My bagel Wednesday wasn’t as good as it could have been.  First reason – I bought the bagel the night before, and it was kind of dry by the morning.  And second, I forgot the zucchini eggs I made in the microwave, and didn’t realize it until I got to work.  Luckily, we had leftover light veggie cream cheese in the fridge at work.  šŸ˜€

On the side I had strawberries and banana – love that combo.  Breakfast comes in at 10 points.

I found a new walking route from my office.  My office is on a busy road, but all around it is residential/farm land and this giant church complex called Willowcreek.  This church is so huge that on Sunday mornings, they have police handle the traffic.  Well I found out I can walk a big loop around the church – it took me 55 minutes and there were hardly any cars – a much safer route than what I was walking.

I’ve been trying to be mindful of my veggie and fruit intake – I’ve got the fruit covered, but still need to add more veggies, so for lunch yesterday I made a tofu stif fry with 6 oz tofu, broccoli, zucchini, carrots, tablespoon of unsalted peanuts and two clementines that I added after I reheated the stirfry – I loved the citrus in this tofu.  Lunch comes in at 9 points.

I’ve been seeing buffalo wings everywhere lately.  While I had originally planned to grill the wings, we had a HUGE thunderstorm last night that started just around 5:00.  The kind where it gets pitch black and when you have your windshield wipers on as fast as they go, but the rain is still coming down too fast.

So I decided to use the deep fryer – my wings raw were 8 ounces – never sure how to count the points for them, but I am putting my dinner plate at 10 points – does that sound about right?

I goofed up.  I thought the Bridesmaid movie was called Something Borrowed, but I guess that movie has Kate Hudson in it and it sucks ass and didn’t get good reviews at all.  The Bridesmaid movie doesn’t come out until this Friday, so next Wednesday we’ll see it – I’ll let you know how it is next week. šŸ˜€

So the storms passed and Hannah and I went to the gym to swim.  While we swam for 45 minutes, 15 minutes were spent goofing off, doing somersalts and trying to come up with a cool name if we ever decided to start a two person synchronized swimming team.  šŸ˜€

But 30 minutes of swimming is hard – I was telling Hannah I could probably walk for half a day but once I get into a pool I realize still how out of shape I am.

I keep telling Tony that my swimming is getting better.  When we first got together, I still had a fear of my head going under the water.  His parents had a pool in their house and one time my step-son Joe came up from behind me and dunked me and I got all freaked out.  I used to wear these big goggles they had, and the nickname “Corky” emerged that day for me – so every time I got in the water it was like “Corky’s going swimming!”

Fast forward a few years from that in 2006 I told Tony I wanted to do a triathlon.  It was a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike ride and a 5k.  I joined a gym near my office then that had a pool and became an okay swimmer.  Tony kept saying “you can’t put your foot down in a lake!” 

The open water did freak me out a bit, but I was going strong, until about 3/4 through I flipped on my back to back stroke and some lady swam right into me, and I went under the water – I didn’t see it coming.  A lifeguard brought me a noodle to compose myself – when I went to hand it back, he was like “keep it.”  And I did!  The look on Tony’s face when he saw me come out of the water was priceless!

So here is what Corky looks like – I love that Hannah left the flash on for this one – it’s like I am a retarded shining star!

After our swim we finished it off in the hot tub for 10 minutes – so relaxing, although Hannah is convinced the hot tub smells like urine when we go in.  Thank goodness I have no sense of smell. šŸ˜€

On the way home we stopped by Yums – Hannah’s friend was working, so I had her weigh my yogurt – it was 3.5 ounces of no sugar added cheesecake, and then I put fresh fruit in it – on eTools it comes in at 5 points.

Then we watched American Idol – while Hannah doesn’t really like the show that much, Lady Gaga was the mentor last night and Hannah is gaga over Gaga.  I can’t stand Scotty the country singer, not only because I hate most country music, but I can’t stand the way he tilts his head and holds the microphone.  I bet its Lauren who wins it all. šŸ˜€

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 41 points, including yums and a couple glasses of wine
  • 55 minute walk at lunch
  • 30 minute swim
  • average blood sugar 132
  • 23 flex points left and 18 activity points earned so far this week

Tony fixed our computer yesterday – he said it needed a power supply, which I thought meant the power strip on the floor – I know nothing about computers!  So yesterday I had to use Hannah’s laptop, which I have a hard time using.  Not only is the computer fixed, it is super fast again!  Thanks Tony!

I am off to figure out what to fix for breakfast and lunch – for some reason I had Thursday blank.  Have a great Thursday!