Whenever I drive to WW I always try to imagine myself with a loss for the week – you know the power of positive thinking?  I had a good week.  I walked for 50 minutes 5 times last week, I drank less, probably could have had more fruits and veggies – I’ll have to work on that this week.

Drum roll please . . .

-1.8 for the week – woot!  And only two pounds from the 150’s, numbers I haven’t seen in the longest time.   I wish I would have gone back to WW a long time ago – I like the accountability of having to stand on the scale each week.  I also got a major award today.

I’ve been at WW for 16 weeks!  So almost 13 pounds in 16 weeks isn’t bad in my book, considering during that time Tony was diagnosed with colon cancer, had major surgery,  we got great news that the cancer hadn’t spread and he didn’t need chemo, and the law firm I worked at for six years blew up and I ended and started a new job on the same day.  Needless to say there’s some stress in my life these last 16 weeks!

But I am glad that food didn’t become my crutch during this time, and I think knowing that someone besides me was going to see the number on the scale kept me in line this whole time.  But I am lucky in that Tony thinks I am beautiful no matter what my size – how lucky am I?!

I forgot to post this picture yesterday for Flashback Friday – so consider this Flashback Saturday!  Shelley has asked for our old prom pictures – my sister sent this to me to submit.  This would be our Senior Year prom in 1986.   My sister is on the left and I am on the right.  I love how my Mom is in the background!

When my boyfriend told me he was wearing black pants and a white jacket, I went with that scheme when I went dress shopping.  Please note, I don’t shop.  This was the first dress I tried on and I bought it.  My sister on the otherhand, picked the dress she’s wearing as the first dress, put it back, we shopped for 4 more hours and she went back to the first dress!

When I told my boyfriend that it was a black dress with a white jacket, he asked “you aren’t wearing a tux too are you?”  Apparently since he knew I played field hockey and threw the shot put, maybe he subconsiously thought I was a lesbian too? 😀

Hope everyone has a great weekend – and Happy Mother’s Day to all you Mom’s!  What are your Mother’s Day Plans?  We are having dinner at my Mom’s on Sunday – pot roast, potatoes and carrots – she just had her kitchen redone and this will be the maiden dinner for the new kitchen.  And my 70 year old Mom has her first dishwasher! 😀

See you on Monday! 😀