I love that people have been asking how Tony’s doing – either in comments or in side emails.  We are just over five weeks after his colon cancer surgery and I am happy to say that he’s doing a lot better!  This has been a hard recovery.  Since they removed so much of his colon, let’s just say that it takes a while for things to start moving, and sometimes there was no warning that things were moving.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned that he still has a four inch hole next to his belly button – apparently they want the inside to heal before the outside does.  He sees the surgeon every Monday for check-ups – a couple weeks ago the doctor said “it looks good, but call us right away if your intestines come out of this hole.”  What??!!

Happy to report, his insides are staying inside!  I asked him yesterday if I could take a picture of him to post, and of course, he couldn’t give me a normal picture – but that’s my Tony!

I love you šŸ˜€

My camera battery was charging during breakfast yesterday – you didn’t miss much – I had a zucchini egg white omelet with a slice of toast – 5 Points Plus.

I called Tony before working out and he asked what I was going to do.  I said “I feel like running.”  He was like “I don’t think those words would ever come out of my mouth!”  So I ran.  I warmed up for 3 minutes, then put the treadmill on 5.0 mph, and then the last half mile I went at 6.0 mph – wow, that seemed really fast for me!  I finished in 38:08, which included the 3 minute warm up.  I am still looking for a local race.  But running outside is so much different than a treadmill.  I have a fear of starting out too fast, and then having to walk – with the treadmill you can keep a steady pace.

My deli just started selling a brand of deli meats and cheeses called Deitz & Watson.  They had a table display with some of their selections.  They had a lean corned beef that comes in at 1 point an ounce.  And this store sells a wide variety of local breads – this dark whole rye is 2 points!  So with 2 points of swiss cheese, zero point sauerkraut, and Dijon mustard instead of Thousand Island dressing – my skinny Reuben sandwich is only 6 points. šŸ˜€

I “fried” it in Pam to crisp it up – so delicious!

On the side I steamed 4 ounces of potatoes and 2 ounces of green beans, then just tossed them in 1 tsp. of prepared pesto – 3 Points, with strawberries for dessert.  LUnch comes in at 9 points.

When I got home, the sun actually made an appearance.  I took my new 55-200 lens outside – I took these pictures about 35 feet away.  Ed looks so serious!

Tony wasn’t hungry for dinner, so I got to have one of my favorite things – pork chops with sauteed apples and sauerkraut. šŸ˜€

When I took my pork chops out,  I didn’t realize I had bought pork “cutlets” so they were super thin.  Each one weighed 3 ounces before cooking, so I cooked two.  I heated  my cast iron skillet on high, then sprayed with Pam right before adding the pork.  These only took 2 minutes a side – I removed to a plate, then added 1 sliced Granny Smith apple, 3/4 cup of sauerkraut and 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds.

Once they were done, I added the pork chops back in, and added 2 tablespoons of spicy BBQ sauce – dinner was a delicious 9 points.

not the most colorful dish, but this was so good
I loved the addition of caraway seeds to the kraut

Stats for Thursday:

  • 33 points (including peanut m&m’s before working out and one glass of wine)
  • 0 flex points remain
  • I used 4 of 19 activity points
  • Weigh In Tomorrow – I am .2 pounds away from my 5% and 1.2 away from 10 pounds lost šŸ˜€

I get to wear jeans to work today – spring cleaning today.  šŸ˜€  Hope everyone has a great weekend – I am probably going to post tomorrow because I have a pumpkin coconut soup and thai basil wonton cups for lunch today – can’t wait for lunch!

Any big weekend plans?  We haven’t any it will be a low key weekend for us – the weather is supposed to be cold anyway.  šŸ™