When I got to the hospital yesterday morning, Tony was sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him so I let him sleep another 30 minutes. He woke up and saw me and said “please wake me when you get here – I don’t want miss any time with you.” š (best line EVER!)
The mornings at the hospital are a flurry of activity – between 7:30 and 8:00 are the nurse shift changes – all the doctors make their rounds then. Before I knew it I had to get to work.
I had the last slice of my zucchini quiche, 1.5 ounce of a whole grain bagel with a schmear of light hazelnut cream cheese (yum!) and some fresh fruit from the hospital – a large container (like you would get at Panera) is only $1.25!
Then my morning went by quick and when I went back to visit Tony at lunch – he had real food!
Sadly, while on a low fiber diet, the notes on his lunch tray said “no salt, no pepper, no caffeine, no carbonated drinks.” So I had a bite of his pasta sauce but it was so bland I couldn’t eat more than one bite.
He did enjoy his sherbert though! š

I rocked my own pasta for lunch. Yep, believe it or not, I got home from the hospital at around 9:30 last night and started to make chicken pesto meatballs!
Now these are not as good as the chicken pesto meatballs I made for my Mom’s 70th birthday, but these were still pretty good – 5 meatballs for 4 points!
Skinny Chicken Pesto Meatballs (printer friendly version here)
- each meatball: 35 calories, 1.2 fat, 1.1 carbs, 4.9 protein, 0 fiber = 1 WW Point per ball (I love saying balls!)
- 1 pound boneless chicken breasts
- 2 tablespoons pesto
- 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
- Heat oven to 350.
- Mix all ingredients in the food processor – don’t worry, the mix will be a little wet.
- Make a meatball about the size of a marble – I got 40 meatballs out of this recipe.
- Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Spray with Pam and toss the meatballs in the pan to brown.
- Serve with your favorite pasta, or dipping sauce as an appetizer.

I brought this same dish to two of my co-workers and my one friend said “I like the pasta, and the sauce, but I love those dang little meatballs!” I thought they could have been spicier, but that’s just me! š
When I got to the hospital after work, Tony looked so tired. He said that one of the doctors said he should only be in bed if he’s taking a nap or sleeping during the night, otherwise he should sit in the recliner and walk frequently. He walked the floor six times before I got there. He had his dinner plate – not even worth a picture – tough over cooked pork and cooked carrots – I had a couple bites and pushed it to the side.
He wanted to walk again, so we did. When we got back I told him to get into bed and just rest. I got him all snuggled with the blanket so he was warm. I turned the lights off except for the t.v. that was on low. He had his hands resting on his chest, and he grabbed my left hand and held it. Within a minute he was asleep. He looked so peaceful! He slept from 6:15 until 8:00 p.m. I couldn’t move because he had my hand and I knew he felt safe with me there to sleep. š
He probably would have slept longer if there wasn’t a nurse shift change. Around 9:15 though Tony asked “did you have any dinner?” I told him the cafeteria had long closed and I would just get something when I got home. When the night nurse came back he said “my wife is diabetic, is there any way you can get her any food so I know she can drive home safely?” So sweet of him to think of me!
So my dinner:

It hit the spot! I haven’t entered my food into eTools yet, but I don’t think I went over.
My hope is to have Tony home by the weekend – send us your good thoughts so that happens! š
Yum–these balls look great, Biz! Thanks for the link. Bookmarked š
Did you say the size of a marble on those meatballs? That’s tiny. Or the bigger shooter marbles? I passed this one by until I got to the sub you made with the wheat roll and spinach. YUM!
Good thoughts comin’ your way!!
Yay, so glad he’s doing well and recovering so quickly – I hope he gets to come home this weekend!!
Oh, and your pasta looks quite tasty too š
Awe! I hope tony gets to come home sooN!
and When my dad was in the hosp for knee replacement i tasted his beef stew at the hosp- ugh. so bland LOL. I love salt!
And kudos to your pasta- looks DIVINE!
Tell Tony to click his heels together 3 times and say “there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home”. He’ll be there as soon as possible.
I am glad he’s up and moving around. He looked so good in the pictures. YEAH!!!
You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care Biz and God Bless!!
You two are the sweetest couple! I hope Tony is able to be home soon!!
That’s awesome! I hope he is home BEFORE the weekend!
Can I tell you how excited I’ve been to come to your blog each day and keep reading more and more good news?! Tony you are ROCKING this recovery!!
I think that pasta dish looks beautiful! Such bright colors with the zucchini addition. Also, that zucchini quiche looks to die for! I’ve got to try something like that!
You’re still in our prayers every night!
Cmoooon Tony! Hope he’s back home by the weekend!! <3 poor guy can't live off that bland food – he needs you to make him some of your awesome meals =)
Those skinny chicken meatballs look delicious! I am definitely going to make those.
I hope that Tony gets to come home soon!
Thinking of you guys..hope Tony can come home soon.
Hospital food stinks! I am sure he misses your amazing meals.
Umm, those meatballs sound really good right now when I am hungry & cannot figure out what to eat!
Glad to hear Tony is doing well – hospital stays always suck, but glad you guys are braving the storm together š
I’m sending lots of good, healthy thoughts to you and your husband! It’s so very hard to have a loved one in the hospital.
Here’s your good thought/prayer #27 that your man is home by the weekend. YAY.
And tell Tony I said he is SO bringing the sexy back. [Seriously – he looks awesome. What a smile.]
And unless you have just given birth and are fine the hospital food sucks [only the Moms get the good stuff. lol I know this. Our local hospital would feed us anything, at anytime after we gave birth. It was awesome.]
I will have to try your meatballs – they are a heck a lot more healthy then what I make now I think. I know my beloved in laws will love them.
You are a great wife – next time I end up in the hospital will you come be mine? giggle
thanks for stopping by Type A and commenting. I LOVE goodwill and any thrift store. I hate paying retail for anything. the dishes were a gift from a little old lady friend, they are just like my Grandmas too. I’m also addicted to Craigslist and Freecycle, and anything I can make myself! great blog, can’t wait to check out some of your meals.
My husband had stage 3 colon cancer more than 10 years ago, and is doing well. He had surgery followed by a year of chemo. Yesterday he had a (routine) colonoscopy and the doctor could not even see where the resection had been done–he is so healed that there are no visible scars in the colon. We are incredibly blessed, and I love to pass on a word of encouragement whenever I hear of someone going through such a scary time. Blessings to you and to Tony!
Awww! Even while you are looking after him, he’s looking after you too!!!! So sweet!!! Sending a ZILLION more thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery and a quick discharge home. Hugs to you both!!!
It is so wonderful to read how loving you two are with one another. You are both so incredibly thoughtful! And very encouraging to hear he’s walking around and sitting up! Yay! I have some pesto in my fridge that I was unsure of what to do with, so I’m eying those meatballs now.
You two are so sweet to each other and so loving. You made me cry and totally messed up my mascara!
Those meatballs sound amazing and I can’t wait to make them. Thanks for sharing.
I am so happy to hear that he is doing well. The food he is getting is awful so I bet he can’t wait to get home to be with you and enjoy some great meals again.
Prayers coming your way that he gets to come home very soon! God Bless you both.
Thinking of both of you!
(And now I’m thinking of tasty chicken meatballs, too… ;))
Being stuck in the hospital sucks! But glad they’re taking such good care of Tony. Sending lots of “get well & home soon” thoughts & prayers for Tony, and “hang in there!” ones for you, Biz!
Those meatballs sound delicious. Hope Tony gets home for the weekend with you.
This post brought me to tears. I will be praying for Tony and you!! That pasta looked really good!!
Tony looks great! Sending good thoughts your way so he can come home soon………… š
Tony is so flipping cute with the sherbert! LOL! I love it!! I can’t believe you’re finding time to blog, record everything in etools, and cook! YOU, Biz, are wonder woman!!! All the thoughts & prayers that Tony is home by the weekend!!
ooo why?! mayo is so delish!
tony looks great in a hospital gown!
Tony is sweet! Sending some major GET HOME vibes your way.
Tony is looking really great Biz! Happy to hear he is feeling better and better :).
Stay positive!!
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
Tony’s looking great!!
DEFINITELY the best line ever. You two make me smile, how you look out for each other and love each other unconditionally so much!
Sending “Get Tony Home” vibes your way….I know you are both more than ready for him to be home!
I got chills from Tony’s first comment and then teary from his second one. I swear, you guys need to write a book about what a book about your relationship together. I’d read it!
Many many prayers, positive thoughts, and fingers and toes crossed that Tony gets to go HOME soon!!!!
Your pesto chicken marble meatballs sound divine! I can’t believe you STARTED making them at 9:30 in the evening – you really do cook for relaxation!
Good to see that Tony is making progress – and my gosh, could you two BE any cuter? š
Hope he’s home soon!
I love how much you guys care for each other.
Cooking question? Did you put the chicken right into the processor? I never would have thought that would work, I always use ground turkey.
I’ve come to the conclusion that you guys are the cutest, most perfect couple ever! That is all š
Aww how cute are you and Tony?! I love reading about the love you have for each other – it’s so, so, so special. Fingers crossed that he’s home this weekend!
Hoping Tony is home for you this weekend! Hugs!!
You really are Tony’s rock right now! A relationship such as the one you both have is rare…treasure it! š
Your meatballs and pasta dish looks so goooood. Pesto in meatballs is a great idea!!
If there’s anything on my body that can be crossed for luck, it’s crossed right now. I think it’s a great sign that they have him eating solid food (I won’t say ‘real’ because we all know hospital food just isn’t that good). Hang in there, hopefully this will be a distant memory soon!
awwwwwww- Tony is so sweet. You two are like the cutest couple š The meatballs sound fantastic. And thats awesome that the caf offers such healthy dishes- the fruit looks fresh!
Hope Tony gets to come home soon!!!! Hang in there!