I love lasagnas because you can really use up about any vegetable you have!   Here is my recipe for this one – could not be easier!

  • 1 cup cooked spinach quinoa!  nice catch Gina!
  • 1 cup marinara sauce
  • 1 zucchini (mine was grilled from last night so it had a nice smokiness!)
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1 cup 4% cottage cheese mixed with Italian seasoning
  • 1 ounce pickled jalapenos (don’t judge!) 😀
  • 3 sheets of whole wheat lasagna noodles, broken in half
  • 2 ounces shredded mozzarella

Since I was using a square casserole dish, I put just two sheets on a diagonal, then switched it on the next layer – hope that makes sense!

here's my first layer
here's my first layer
I finish my top layer with sauce, then add the two ounces of mozzarella cheese on top
I finish my top layer with sauce, then add the two ounces of mozzarella cheese on top

Bake at 350 for 45 minutes to an hour.  Or in my case an hour and ten minutes because I didn’t hear the oven buzzer over the t.v. in the living room! 😀 

this is just 1/4 of the casserole!  This slice is 234 calories, 6.9 fat, 14 protein, 29 carbs and 3 fiber
this is just 1/4 of the casserole! This slice is 234 calories, 6.9 fat, 14 protein, 29 carbs and 3 fiber

On the side I had a baby spinach/cucumber salad with light honey mustard dressing.

I really liked this dressing Ken's is the brand and its 30 calories a tablespoon
I really liked this dressing Ken's is the brand and its 30 calories a tablespoon

And a kiwi for dessert!

Lunch comes in altogether: 353 calories, 9 fat, 17 protein, 54 carbs and 9.3 fiber :D
Lunch comes in altogether: 353 calories, 9 fat, 17 protein, 54 carbs and 9.3 fiber 😀

So it’s Back to Basics for Biz.  When I lost weight my biggest tool in my success was writing in my food journal.  So taking inspiration from Hannah, I decided to back to pen and paper – something about writing down everything you eat makes you more accountable!

Here's the cover I made :D
Here's the cover I made 😀

And I have also noticed that while I feel fine, I haven’t been testing my blood sugar on as regular basis as I should.  I made my journal adding BS times to remind me.  While this is geared toward me, if anyone wants the template just leave a comment with your email address and I’ll send it to you as a .pdf.

I have cool colored pens and stickers for motivation too! :D
I have cool colored pens and stickers for motivation too! 😀

My friend and I walked for 45 minutes at lunch – its gorgeous outside!! 

Afternoon break is up – come on back for Pork Chops and Cauliflower au Gratin!