Although Tony and I could see it in the doctor’s eyes at his appointment last week, Friday night at dinner time we got the call that Tony has rectal cancer.  And while we both kind of saw it coming and had a couple days to digest it, I know both of us were hoping for better news.  We’ve decided that our mantra is going to be:  “Fuck Cancer!”

Not gonna lie, Friday night was rough – we had a pity party for two!  But we woke up Saturday with a positive purpose.  We don’t exactly know what we are dealing with, other than he has a cancerous tumor.   Today we go to a hospital in Chicago where they will do an ultrasound to figure out the exact size and depth of the tumor.

We both are going to rely heavily on our sense of humor to get us through this.  All weekend Tony would say something like “can I have a glass of iced tea?  I have ass cancer!”  And I, who never replaces the toilet paper, replaced it yesterday and as I was walking the toilet paper into the bathroom, I pointed it out to Tony and said “I am replacing this because you have ass cancer!”

Thanks for all your well wishes prior to this diagnosis and keep sending your positive thoughts our way – we can use all the help we can get!


Biz and Tony