In 2009 I declared it MINE with a giveaway.  I was determined to get these 30-40 pounds off that year.  I love looking back at that post because one of my favorite bloggers Meghann (even though she’s young enough to be my daughter!) had a goal of dating that year – and she’s been with her boyfriend for over a year and a half now!

Then in January of 2010, I wrote out my goals from getting from 165 to 135.   And guess what?  Its 2011 tomorrow and I still have the same goals – but I have a better plan.  I think going back to Weight Watchers is going to get me to where I want to be.  Want to know how I know?  Check out my second weigh in – in three weeks, which included my 10 year anniversary and Christmas, I’ve lost 4 pounds! Woot!

In 1999 when I lost 70 pounds, I never gained once during that whole year – some weeks I may have only lost .2, but I never gained.  I hope I can continue that streak this time 😀

Tony and I had to pick up some stuff at Sam’s Club yesterday, which happens to be near our favorite breakfast joint.  My plate: 1 cup egg beaters, 3 slices of bacon and fresh fruit.  7 Points.

Then one of the most important things I needed to pick up:

Whew, crisis averted – I now have a 12 ounce bottle next to the stove – I had about a drop left in my old bottle.

I knew Hannah and I were going to work out when she got home from work.  We ate such a late breakfast, and I don’t like to eat a ton before working out, so I had a slice of my MIL’s banana bread – totally worth the 5 points and perfect fuel – after our workout my blood sugar was 90 – nice! 😀

Hannah and I decided to swim for our exercise.  She’s an awesome swimmer – me?  Not so much.  I never really learned the right breathing techniques for freestyle, so I end up doing the breast stroke most of the time and the back stroke.  I was looking at the other lanes of people who made it look effortless!  Just to show how slow I am it took me 25 minutes to do 20 laps of 25 yards.

Then Hannah and I went to a different pool, put on floaty belts, and jogged in place for 15 minutes – I have to thank TJ for that idea – its harder than you can imagine!

So I was really hungry for dinner – 4 ounces of pork roast, 6 ounce baked potato, 1 tablespoon light butter, 1 tablespoon bacon bits, a slice of whole grain bread and a cup of green beans.  Dinner was 17 points.

the secret to the best baked potato is to wash your potatoes in advance, make sure they are completely dry, then rub with olive oil, sea salt and cracked pepper. Bake for 1 hour at 400 degrees. You get a nice crispy skin that way 😀

I love these pork roasts from Sam’s Club.  While its $14 for the whole roast, I cut it in half so each roast is 2 pounds, and freeze the second half.  It’s enough for one dinner, and at least two leftover lunches for me, so that’s a pretty good deal.  Oh, and Hannah will actually eat this meat which is a bonus!

I actually cooked this on our gas grill - the bacon on top gets nice and crispy
nice and juicy! Hannah always requests the ends 😀

I got this bread at Sam’s too – its a 9 grain bread and a serving size is 2 ounces for only 3 points!

I have to show you something – Tony loves playing practical jokes on me – I hate spiders and bugs in general – and living in the “sticks” we have spiders – he’s always just barely touching the back of my head while we are watching t.v. to make me think something is crawling on me, and while I know it’s him, the one time I don’t react is when there will be something on me!

He loves to trick me with this:

So yesterday I am working on organizing all my kitchen stuff – I have it in five different places right now and its driving me nuts.  So I am up and down the basement stairs while Tony was on the computer.  I hear something fall and I said “what was that?”  Tony said he didn’t know.  Fast forward 30 minutes and the dog needs to go out, and I open the back door, and the door hits the rubber mouse so it looks as if I’ve caught a real mouse under the door!  Scared the crap out of me!

Okay, so let’s get on with it already – giveaway time!  Not only to celebrate my 400,000 page view, but to help jump start our fitness and weight loss goals for 2011.

The Loot!

  • food scale
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • glass measuring cup
  • hand sanitizer for gym bag
  • lip balm with SPF 15
  • a sweat band
  • pocket calendar for your purse
  • assortment of dips (just need to add fat free sour cream)
  • snowmen!  (the last three items were donated from my co-worker Cassie – thanks!)
oh - and 20+ magazines 😀

All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what your number one goal is for 2011.  I’ll be keeping track of you this year to make sure you continue your path to reach your goal! 😀  I’ll pick a winner on Monday morning, January 3rd. Good luck! 😀

Final Hot 100 Update! I always forgot to do that on Fridays!  I am doing great – getting the exercise in is really helping me reach my goals – I still want to take more group classes in 2011, my new gym has about 20+ classes to choose from, including Zumba, Spin and Body Pump classes!

And thanks again for stopping by when you can to catch up on My Bizzy Kitchen.  Here’s to 2011!  Let’s make it a great year! 😀