Okay, I realized all 164 photos I took with my new camera were on the highest resolution, which took them a long time to load on my blog post yesterday.  Hannah showed me how to reduce the picture size from 14.4 mega pixels to just 3.5, which is what I used for the pictures below (except for my lunch pictures which were taken with Old Blue – my old camera!).  Much quicker to load – and I think I’ll keep it at this setting for the time being until I figure out more how it works out.

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments, its slowly sinking in that I deserve a camera like that.  Other than my wedding ring, I am positive that’s the most expensive gift I’ve ever gotten! 😀

there she is! I've actually figured out how to take the lens on and off 😀

I didn’t post any family pictures yesterday from our Christmas.  I love this picture of my Mom – Hannah actually took this one:

And Hannah took this one too – my kitchen was so messy though (much to Hannah’s dismay!) so I made the picture black and white, then put the color back for just me and my Mom – hopefully the mess is less noticeable! I seriously have to be the messiest cook out there. 😀

And thanks to Tony’s family for spending the afternoon with us! (Hannah wanted me to say that her shirt is just wet from washing dishes!)

So over the long weekend I did pretty good.  I basically counted points in my head, my blood sugar numbers were normal, and I exercised every day but Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I need to find out if there is a WW meeting on Thursday or Friday, because I don’t want to miss two weeks in a row of a weigh in.

I had a lot of leftover twice baked potatoes from Christmas, so I did my eggs in a potato jacket.  This half of a potato is 4.5 ounces (3 points), with 1 scrambled egg (2), 1/3 cup chopped broccoli (0), 3/4 ounce cheddar cheese.  I scrambled the scooped out potato with the egg and broccoli, then tossed in the cheese just to melt.  I stuffed it back into the potato shell, then nuked it for about 45 seconds, just to warm up the potato – with a pear on the side – breakfast is 8 PointsPlus (including 1 point for SF coffee creamer, which I never counted before!)

My blood sugar was 156 before working out, and I like it to be in the 200-220 range, so I ate this on the way to the gym for 2 points.

I ended up doing 45 minutes on the treadmill at 1.5% incline, 3.9 mph while tossing a 6 pound medicine ball back and forth.  I saw that on a Biggest Loser episode, and by the end I could hardly keep my arms up – great way to get cardio, upper and lower body in one work out.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich on an Arnold Thin with baby spinach and jalapeno mustard (5 points), carrot and cucumbers (0), 1/2 cup 2% reduced fat cottage cheese (2) points, and a veggie dip of 1 tablespoon FF ranch mixed with 2 tablespoons hot taco sauce (1) point.  Lunch is 8 points.

this took me about 30 minutes to eat 😀

In looking over my journal, I realized I needed to add more dairy, so I think my new plan is to have a SF vanilla latte in the afternoon – 2 points 😀

My goal was not to go grocery shopping at all since we have so much food in the house, but I did stop and pick up a couple things for our chicken fried rice – fresh bean sprouts and a can of water chestnuts.  I prepped all the veggies and then let Tony take over – the Wok chef!

While he stir-fried, I opened a bottle of chardonnay my Mom brought over – I had 5 ounces with dinner for 4 points.

it has grapefruit notes which I love

Tony served his dish, then added my hot sauce to my dish – I need to get more of this but I found it at Tuesday Morning and sometimes its hit or miss there.  Its a super flavorful hot sauce.

While Tony cooked the chicken, he added a touch of House of Tsang Classic stir fry sauce:

Then added the cooked brown rice (2 cups total) and added the scrambled eggs:

My bowl – my guess is that it’s 11 points – 0 for veggies, 4 points for chicken, 5 points for brown rice, and 2 points for sauce.

So delicious – thanks for cooking Tony!

Stats for Monday:

  • 35 points (42 flex points remaining for the week)
  • 8 activity points earned with 45 minute treadmill at lunch
  • average blood sugar was 109

Just curious if you count points if you counted everything over the holiday or just started again on Monday?   Make it a great day!