We are having the best weather for November – yesterday’s high was almost 60 degrees and today proves to be even warmer.  I think I’ll take a walk in the trail by my house – I’ll see if our dog is up to it, he’s getting old – the last time I took him on the long route, he didn’t have enough energy left to climb in the car – I had to pick him up to get him in the car – and he’s 90 pounds!

I didn’t want a huge breakfast yesterday since I was meeting my Mom at Sweet Tomatoes – I thought that was the best South Beach friendly option.  I fried an egg in 1/4 teaspoon of this spicy oil Tony made for me – its delicious!

I had 1/2 an ounce of pepperoni on the bottom, 1 egg, 1 slice of muenster cheese with fresh basil:  247 calories, .6 carbs, 16 fat and 0 fiber.

We waited a couple minutes for my Mom – she works at a local food pantry every Sunday morning and they were understaffed so she just made it! 😀

I loved spending time with Hannah - I hardly see her during the week 🙁

I didn’t get any of the prepared salads on the salad bar because I wasn’t sure if there was added sugar – let me tell you it was really hard to pass by the chicken wonton salad – that’s one of my favorites.

with light balsamic dressing

I had a cup of the tomato chipotle soup – I kicked it up by adding a bit of cheese and sour cream – I think I need to recreate that soup – it was very flavorful spicy 😀

I also had a cup chili – my guess is that lunch came in at 543 calories, 55 carbs, 50 protein, 13.8 fat and 11.3 fiber.

We then went to Starbuck’s to look at my Mom’s pictures from her trip to Brazil.  Unfortunately, the disk she brought was blank – I think she copied the pictures but forgot to burn them on the CD – we’ll just have to have a slide show at her house the next time we visit! 😀  We enjoyed coffee though – I got a skinny sugar free vanilla latte – Hannah got a peppermint mocha – holy cow – that was delicious!

It was great to see you Momma! 😀

Hannah had to go to work.  I got a letter in the mail saying that it was time to upgrade my phone.  My old cell phone was just one step up from a Jitterbug!  So Tony and I go to the cell phone store – I had every intention of getting the phone Hannah got.  One worker at the store was on the phone, the other one was finishing up with a customer.  He finishes with the customer, then goes straight to the back room.  We figure he’s going to come right out, we were the only customers in the store.

Well the one guy never got off the phone and the other guy never came back from the back room – after 10 minutes we just walked out.  I called the number on the business card, the manager answers and I said “my husband and I were just in your store for 10 minutes and no one acknowledged us.”  He’s like “oh, I remember you, I thought the other guy was going to take care of you.”  Um, no – he did apologize, but it was too late.  We decided to go to another store.

it was a gorgeous sunset on the way 😀

So now I am the proud owner of . . . a Blackberry!

since I signed a new 2 year contract, this $500 phone only cost a penny 😀

I love how easy it is to text – I have apps!  I’ve already downloaded the caloriecount.com app – it was free 😀

just a sample of our whitty texting - I love all the smiley face choices I have 😀

I had defrosted some shrimp for dinner, but needed to pick up a steak to go with it.  I got a t-bone steak – neither of us were that hungry, so we split one steak and each had four garlic shrimp.  The shrimp was delicious – the steak?  Not so much – it was cooked perfectly, but it was just a bad cut of meat.  I ended up eating the last serving of my pork and black bean chili later on in the evening because I was still hungry.  I ate maybe 2 ounces of the steak and all the shrimp:  196 calories, 2 carbs, 30 protein, 6.5 fat and 1 fiber.

Hannah and I had Mom and Daughter Movie night last night.  We watched Dear John.  Don’t waste your time – the acting was stupid, the plot line jumped around too much – we didn’t even finish watching it, that’s how bad it was!  It was nice to hang out with Hanners though!

Stats for Saturday:

  • 1477 calories, 91 carbs, 151 protein, 56 fat, 16.9 fiber
  • 34% of calories from fat
  • no exercise – need to do that today!

Thanks to your votes, I won the salad contest at Chaos in the Kitchen – thank you!

Katie wrote:

Thank you to every one who voted and contributed!  Comments are now closed which means Biz is the winner by a landslide! I can’t wait to try it out!

And today is the last day to enter your BSI – Chile recipes – I’ll post the round up tomorrow with all the entries and the winner!