We got our first frost of the season last night.  When I got up I could barely see much from our driveway!


It’s funny because our dog likes to sleep in.  He has never been a dog that is begging to be let out.  Maybe since he’s older?  He was sleeping at the foot of our bed.  I said “do you want a treat?”  No response.  “do you want to go outside?”  No response.  “Want to go for a walk?”  He bolts to the door as fast as he can!

We took a 20 minute walk this morning.  It was the perfect way to start the day!  Frosty fall leaves:


You can hardly even see the river in this picture!


Thanks to Tastespotting and Foodgawker for publishing my pumpkin pancakes!  I love it when my photos don’t get rejected for “poor food composition” “low light!” 

I still had batter in my refrigerator so I decided to repeat the breakfast today.  One thing I noticed was that since my batter was cold, they did not spread out as much as fresh made, and they were a bit more dense.  I think next time I’ll just cook the whole batch, otherwise let the batter come to room temperature.


These kept me full FOR HOURS!  I ate these around 9:00 a.m. and I didn’t eat lunch until almost 2!  Thank to Tony’s dinner last night for me, I had leftovers for lunch.  I had about 1.5 cup of stirfry with a gala apple on the side.



Then I got an afternoon visitor!  Hannah brought me a Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks!


Thanks Hannah!


Dinner tonight came from Saveur Magazine.  Yes, I know I subscribe to too many food magazines!  But I really liked this issue!  Since I used their recipe down to the letter, you’ll have to click on the link to get the recipe for Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Mozzarella Cheese, and Prosciutto!

Each chicken breast was stuffed with 3/4 ounce of prosciutto and 1 ounce of fresh mozzarella cheese.  In hindsight, I should have stuffed the cheese first, and then closed it with the prosciutto to keep the cheese in.  Still fricken good though!  First you pan fry (I used 1 tsp. vegetable oil and lots of Pam) skin side down on medium high heat for 5 minutes.


My sister just can’t do bone-in meat! It’s too bad because my store routinely sells it for $.79 cents a pound!  After the first flip, it goes into a 450 oven until the meat reaches 170 degrees – it took me about 18 minutes for these size breasts.  See the glorious cheese trying to escape??!!



My plate:  I ate half the chicken (no skin), 1/2 cup scalloped potatoes and sautéed zucchini.


I tried to make the grilled lemon like in the magazine – I ended up squeezing a bit of lemon juice on my chicken and I loved the added acidity to the chicken!


I have to brag now!  Hannah got her first semester report card!  4.027!  GREAT JOB HANNAH!


Stats for the Day:

  • 1434 calories
  • 53 fat
  • 151 carbs
  • 94 protein
  • 17 fiber (need to kick that up!)
  • 20 minute morning walk with the dog
  • 40 minute walk at lunch

Those 120 squats I did yesterday??  I felt it today! 

Two more days until the weekend – see you tomorrow night! 😀