But first you have to read about my breakfast and lunch ๐Ÿ˜€

But before I go any further THANK YOU for all of your suggestions on a lower sodium diet – the links and ideas are extremely helpful and will be put to good use – thanks!

I made my co-worker a loaf of rosemary bread – this loaf has no salt in it at all, but I did sprinkle 1/8 of a teaspoon over the top – adding 200 mg. of sodium to the whole loaf.

When I handed her the bread and soup I was like “the soup is good, but it needs salt!”ย  ๐Ÿ˜€

Breakfast pizza was on my brain – yesterdays was 3.5 ounces of bread dough, 1 serving precooked bacon, green pepper, 1 ounce goat cheese andย  1 egg:

no runny yolk for me - 456 calories, 46 carbs. 23 protein, 22 fat and 4.8 fiber

I worked out early – I ended up doing 45 minutes on the elliptical on level 10 ๐Ÿ˜€ย  It was a perfect fall day – the air is a bit crisp, and nothing but blue skies!

I got back to my desk, was about to make my lunch, when Tony called and said that Hannah’s car was stalled.ย  She had work and school yesterday afternoon, and he took her car to run errands.ย  So after I picked him up, we came back home and figured out what to do.

We have three cars, but our Explorer needs a new transmission ($$$).ย  So Tony took charge, called to reserve a rental car, called a repair shop and talked to the tow truck people.ย  So Hannah took our working car, dropped us off at the rental car place and then went on to work and school.ย  It’s funny, because before we decided to rent a car or not, Tony was like “do you have to go to school tonight?”ย  Which of course, being Hannah, she replied “I really don’t like missing class if at all possible.”ย  Had that been me, I would have blown off school in a heart beat!

So while Tony was on the phone, I wasn’t sure what we were doing, other than I was hungry and needed something quick:

Ball Park all beef hotdog with jalapeno mustard: 286 calories, 21 carbs, 15.2 protein, 15 fat and 1.1 fiber

We got the rental car, then went to where Hannah’s car was to call and wait for the tow truck.ย  Can I just say that it happened to be by one of my favorite thrift stores??ย  I had to kill time before the tow truck came, didn’t I?”ย  Well, it’s already decorated for Christmas!ย  So many snowmen, but I am proud that I didn’t buy any.ย  I’ll wait until I go by myself and then mingle them into all the other snowmen things I have – Tony will never know! ๐Ÿ˜€

I did come very close to buying this though!

Then it was off to the repair shop.ย  We just followed the tow truck.

So here is my new car!ย  Well, until next Thursday ๐Ÿ˜€ย  It’s a Hyndai Elentra – quite roomy!

By the time we finished all that, it was 4:30 by the time we got home.ย  I ended up taking an impromptu 1/2 day off yesterday.ย  I did cardio at lunch, so I had time to do some weight training – this is the first time I’ve seen this offered on Exercise TV.ย  I was actually expecting to be a bit sore this morning, but I feel good ๐Ÿ˜€

I didn't have a kettlebell, so I used my 4 pound exercise ball - worked just fine

And since I thought dinner wasn’t going to take too long, after that decided to take our dog for a walk.ย  He LOVES going on walks, all I really have to do is put my shoes on and a jacket and he’s ready for me at the back door!

he looks for ducks on the river - no ducks though ๐Ÿ™

I liked this flower – or whatever it is – it looked pretty among the fallen leaves:

So I had stuffed peppers on my menu – usually I never eat them, but I make them because Tony does.ย  Well, I decided to eat them too and they were delicious!ย  I didn’t have a real recipe – I defrosted a combination of ground sirloin and Italian sausage – I added about a cup of leftover rice, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.ย  I usually always cook the meat mixture, then stuff the peppers and bake.ย  This time I stuffed them raw.

I blanched the peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes.ย  Let cool slightly, stuffed them, added an ounce of mozzarella cheese on top and then baked them in the oven with some marinara sauce on the bottom.ย  The only thing I wasn’t sure about was how long to cook them – I went to Simply Recipes and saw that I needed to bake them at 350 for 40 – 50 minutes.

Ours took almost an hour to get to temperature – but definitely worth the wait!ย  Dinner comes in at 531 calories, 58 carbs, 27 protein, 21 fat and 7.6 fiber.

I am submitting this to Christina’s Friday Firsts – first time I ate a stuffed pepper! ๐Ÿ˜€

Today is also the Hot 100 Update.ย ย  I had a great week, but again, looking back through my online food diary, I need to get my percentage of calories of fat around the 25% mark, and need to up my fruit and veggie intake – not sure I can count a cilantro garnish as having greens! ๐Ÿ˜€

Stats for Thursday:

  • 1,273 calories, 126 carbs, 65 protein, 58 fat and 13.5 fiber
  • 40% of calories from fat (due to my delicious hot dog!)
  • 45 minutes elliptical on level 10
  • 33 minute Jillian Shred with the 4 pound ball (includes warm up and cool down)
  • 15 minute walk with the dog

Happy Friday!

I almost forgot!ย  Some of my local Chicagoland blogger friends are getting together before the craziness of the holidays – we are meeting at Big Bowl in Schaumburg on November 21, at 12:30 – please feel free to join me, Christina, Mara and Jennifer for lunch!ย  If you’d like to join us, just shoot me an email so we get a big enough table:ย  bdl319@gmail.com.