One thing I’ve been doing lately is on Sunday afternoons, just baking up 4-6 baked potatoes just to have on hand.  Whether to make hash browns, or rosemary potatoes for dinner, or french fries.

Yesterday morning I decided to make them my breakfast – I scooped out the insides and scrambled them with 1/2 cup egg beaters, 1 ounce diced ham, put them back in the potato jackets, sprinkled each half with 1/2 ounce of cheese and put it in the toaster oven.  I then put 1/2 teaspoon of my homemade pesto on top.  With watermelon on the side, this was a really filling breakfast!

447 calories, 60 carbs, 30 protein, 10 fat and 4.3 fiber

I went to the gym – really pushed on a 6.3 mile run not only to beat the pacer bike (by 4 minutes!) but also my last ride by 1 minute.  Then a 1 mile cool down and then 5 minutes of abs on the ball – 40 minutes total.

Lunch with leftover beef stew and an apple with a teaspoon of reduced fat, no sugar added peanut butter – its Skippy brand and one of my favorites.  Lunch comes in at 413 calories, 40 carbs, 17.1 fat, 19.4 protein, and 6.5 fiber.

Late in the afternoon I could start to feel my blood sugar drop.  Once I get back into the exercise routine, it takes a while to dial in how much insulin I need in terms of working out.

Instead of reaching for a candy bar at the front desk, I drank half of this:

In retrospect, I should have drank the whole thing, because while I was making dinner I could still feel it dropping.  Hence, my shitty dinner pictures 😀

I made my version of Rachael Ray’s sloppy joes.  You can go here to see what adjustments I made to hers, number one of course leaving out the onions!  I also don’t make hers as sweet – her original recipe calls for 1/4 cup brown sugar for just 1.25 pounds of meat – I reduced mine down to 1 tablespoon.  Dinner comes in at 603 calories, 64 carbs, 52 protein, 14.5 fat and 6 fiber.

with jalapeno mustard on top just to kick it up a notch 😀
with a side salad with light poppy seed dressing - not sure if I am a fan of this dressing because its a bit on the sweet side

Amanda and I have become email exercise buddies to keep each other on track.  I had every intention of doing Level 1 of Jillian’s 30 day shred when I was side tracked with a deep clean of my refrigerator.   I took everything out, scrubbed the sides, the shelves – even removed all my condiments.

When I counted them all . . .I am ashamed to say that I had 62 condiments in my refrigerator!   No wonder I need two refrigerators!  I am proud to say I’ve whittled the amount down to 30 – and that includes salad dressings.  I won’t show case my hot sauces yet, but I am proud to say that I have reduced my mustard to just 7! 😀

see the pizza dough next to the mustards? You never know when breakfast pizza will be craved 😀

So the other night, Hannah decided to die dye (thanks Tony – he’s the best proofreader!) her hair again – basically the same color, like a dark auburn.  She gets out of the shower, its still wet so you can’t really tell.  All of a sudden Tony and I hear her say “Oh shit!”  She runs into the living room and its a bright auburn?  I am not really sure what color it is, but we both liked it.  It was just kind of a shock to her because it seemed like a drastic change.

So Tony is now calling her Kelsey, since that’s her middle name, since he thinks she looks Irish.  And he may or may not sing “Kelsey with your hair so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight!”  when she’s home.  She loves it now that she’s gotten used to it for a couple days.  I love it too! 😀

More bad news. We have AT&T Uverse.  We get postcards in the mail periodically telling us of channel changes, etc.  We got a post card saying that if negotiations aren’t met by October 31, 2010, I will no longer have FoodTV, Food Channel or HGTV! WTF is that all about?!   So Tony keeps telling me – “watch it now because pretty soon you won’t have it!”

I am pretty sure I can’t Hulu FoodTV either. 🙁

Stats for Monday

  • 1583 calories, 193 carbs, 100 protein, 45 fat, 17.9 fiber
  • 25% of calories from fat
  • 40 minute work out at lunch
  • 30 minute deep clean of fridge (yes I am counting that as exercise!)