I am a helper through and through.  If you need anything, I will drop everything and help you out.  It’s just my nature.  So once Skippy spoke on Facebook about her medication going through the roof cost wise, my brain went into overdrive!  Start a Go Fund Me, do a virtual bake/cooking sale, contact the media about how people how have never met have connecting through blogging, contact my local media, contact her local media.  The ideas just kept coming!

Only one teeny tiny problem.  Skippy, while very appreciative of all my ideas to help, has declined help.  She said by putting that figure out there she in no way intended for anyone to step in and save the day – she said she and her husband will figure it out because it’s what they do best.  So I so appreciate everyone who contacted me who wanted to help – wait in the wings, I am still trying to convince her!  But it just shows how very many Kind Hearts are out there, and I am a better person for knowing you all.

Tony is still convinced that you all are not really “friends” but we all know the truth.  He always says, “okay tough guy – if they are such great friends, would they come help you move or drive you to the airport?!”  Ha!

Yesterday I made my version of a Starbuck’s protein box.  While they are convenient when I have a gift card, I just can’t justify the price on a regular basis.  My protein plate comes in at 497 calories and 37 grams of protein – this kept me full four hours, and it took me over 30 minutes to eat. 

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So yesterday was a leg day for strength.  Holy balls.  I didn’t realize until I was finished that I actually did 279 squats in all!  I was actually dripping with sweat when I was done.  New to me exercise?  The front box squat.  I actually did that exercise with a 40 pound barbell!  Yeah, that’s right – I am a bad ass.  I liked that exercise because the barbell is in the front, on top of your chest.  I have absolutely no shoulder mobility at all – and can’t for the life of me get a barbell behind my head no matter how much I try – so weird!  I really had to stretch out my legs when I was done because my quads felt like tree trunks.

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And I may or may not have forgotten to change out my workout bag, so I wore the same shirt two days in a row.  I know, I am classy like that.  My legs could only run a mile before I had to call it quits.

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Lunch was so good.  I have Jessica at How Sweet Eats to thank for it.  I grilled up her honey chipotle chicken the other night I grilled pork chops – remember – grill once, eat twice!  I undercooked the chicken just a touch knowing I was going to reheat it at the office.  I burrito bowl differed just a bit – I used brown rice to make a brown rice/corn/lime cilantro rice.  I had chopped cucumbers, avocado, sliced jalapeno and a bit of pepper jack cheese, diced tomatoes (homey don’t like cherry tomatoes) and the chicken.  The chicken – so flavorful and tender.  I made a bowl for one of my co-workers and she loved it – I haven’t figured out the calories yet – after this picture was taken I added my salsa/ranch dressing together.  My guess is about 450 calories?  It is super filling too.

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Tony had a doctor appointment to get our papers for Mayo.  I picked him up on my way home from work – the weather was absolutely gorgeous! Allyson, these pics are for you!

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By the time we got home and got the grill going, it was probably 7:45.  We just hung outside and cooked the chicken and listened to music.  We didn’t eat until 9!  Chicken thighs for Tony and chicken wings for me – which I then doused in Frank’s hot sauce.

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I almost got my 10,000 steps!

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It’s a cool day here – our high today is only supposed to be about 68 degrees, so guess what I am making right now before work?  Lasagna soup!!  Yep, it’s been a while since we’ve seen it!   Louise, this might be batch 55 for me!  And I am making breakfast tacos too.  No reason not to get Bizzy in my Kitchen before work – the only trick is not making so much noise so I wake up Tony! 

Again, thanks to everyone who wanted to help Skippy out – I really appreciate it – there is good in this world!  Make it a great day!