I have a deep freeze that seriously could fit about five or six bodies.  Not that I would know that or anything!  The great thing about it is that I got it for free.  Our community has something called freecycle.org, and if you want to get rid of something, you just post it and see what happens.

About six years ago I was on there, and someone was giving away a deep freeze.  I’d always wanted one! They said it was kind of banged up on the outside because it had been kept in their garage, but otherwise worked perfectly well.  I told Tony about it, and said I was going to go get it.  He was like “how the hell are you going to get that by yourself?!”

Turns out it just barely made it in the back of our Explorer – it was a pain in the ass to get it in our basement, pretty sure lots of swear words were spoken, but I absolutely love it.  Only one problem.  Things get lost in there.  There are only two shelves on either side and then just this giant floor.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to organize a deep freeze?

The reason I bring it up is because I forgot I had some of my homemade pita breads in there!  So breakfast became a pita pizza with sliced apple on the side.

499 calories, 66 carbs, 25 protein, 15.3 fat, 7.5 fiber

I was happy that at the gym the sound for the Food Network channel was working again – it had been out for almost a week!  I watched Rachael Ray make a delicious pork chop and apple sauce recipe that I think I’ll recreate.  I ended up doing 50 minutes on the elliptical at level 10!  Well, 5 minutes was a cool down, but it was a great workout.

Have you tried the tofu noodles?  It’s 2 servings per package, but I use the whole thing since its only 40 calories.

I think its a love/hate thing with these noodles from what I’ve read on other peoples blogs.  My sister can’t stand the texture, others can’t stand the smell.  I love them – I think they just absorb whatever flavors you have in the dish.

this giant bowl is only 322 calories, 49 carbs, 19.8 protein, 4.9 fat and 5.8 fiber
I used House of Tsang Spicy Schezwan for the sauce - spicy good 😀

Here is how it happens.  Tony and I will be watching Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and we’ll see something and think – we have to have that!  The other day we saw burgers that were cooked really quick on a flat top grill, the edges were charred, yet the burger was still juicy.  Tony told me about his days working at Steak N Shake when he was younger and decided he could recreate this burger magic.

Here is the typical scenario when I cook.  Every spoon has been used and is sitting in the sink, not one ingredient has been put away until after we eat, prep/cooking/cleaning sometimes takes up to an hour.

When Tony cooks?  Its mis en place, counters are cleaned, if a spoon is used it is immediately washed, dried and put away.  He started cooking at 6:00 and we were eating at 6:10!

notice the Steak N Shake technique - flatten burger, then rotate so it doesn't stick to the griddle
crispy edge!
509 caloires, 43 carbs, 19.8 protein, 29 fat and 1 fiber
heaven on a plate 😀

And it took me approximately two minutes to clean the kitchen after we ate 😀  Thanks for a great burger Tony!

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 1330 calories, 158 carbs, 65 protein, 49 fat and 14.3 fiber
  • 33% of calories from fat
  • 50 minutes elliptical (45 minutes at level 10) 😀

Are you a messy or clean cook?

Make it a great day!