Update:  I had the wrong link to Skippy’s blog in yesterdays post – here it is!  Go visit her and say hello!

I am sure by now most of you have heard about Ashley of Healthy Ashley.  I heard through Erring’s blog about her recent bike accident.  She was riding by herself when she wiped out – her only identification was her cell phone.

I’ve had a Road I.D. for over a year – it has my full name, year of birth, Tony and Hannah’s cell phone numbers and identifies me as being a Type I insulin dependent diabetic.  Ever since I read about Ashley’s accident, I’ve worn it while biking, walking and running.  Because seriously, you never know that can happen out there.  Better safe than sorry, right?  So never exercise outside without i.d. – mkay?

My breakfast was super delicious – 1 egg, 1 ounce sliced deli corned beef, baby spinach and 1/2 an ounce of cheddar cheese on a flour tortilla, with a small banana on the side, breakfast comes in at 7 delicious points.  I cooked the egg filling at home and nuked it when I got to the office, and somehow my flour tortilla got crunchy on the outside – it was so good. πŸ˜€

Since my goals is to bike/walk/run 125 miles this month, riding my 10 mile bike ride at lunch really ups my daily mileage.  I had every intention of riding my bike, until it started to rain – I don’t like biking in the rain, too slippery.

So what did I do?  I fed people in my office. πŸ˜€  I had leftover beef and bean choup – one of my co-workers ate two big bowls he loved it so much.  And then this soup was a super big hit – chicken pot pie soup.

I will write this recipe for future use – but here’s what I did.  Remember that chicken pot pie I made the other day?  Do you remember that Tony doesn’t like leftovers even though he loved this pot pie?   I had 3/4 of the pot pie left and decided to make a soup out of it.

I scooped out about 2 – 2 1/2 cups of filling, crumbled in the crunchy parts of the pie crust (about 1/2 a cup) added 1 cup of cooked spaghetti I had leftover in my fridge, added 3 cups of chicken broth and added a pinch of crushed red pepper and mixed it all together.

Holy yum, this was good.  The pie crust thickened the broth up just a bit more, but even adding the extra chicken broth, the pot pie filling was still super flavorful.  My guess is that this bowl is 8 points?

I had defrosted some ground beef to make stuffed peppers, but I just wasn’t feeling it.  I asked Tony what he felt like when I told him I had ground beef, and jokingly said pizza?!  He said, how about a Mexican pizza?  What the H?  Tony suggested pizza?!  I don’t think I ran to the kitchen fast enough. πŸ˜€

I did my typical no rise pizza dough – 2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. salt and 1 package of yeast.  While I let that rest a few minutes, I made taco meat out of the 1/2 pound of beef I had thawed.

The base of the pizza was 1/3 cup of my marinara sauce mixed with 1/3 cup salsa.  Then the ground beef, Tony’s side had black olives, my side had diced green pepper and roasted red peppers, then 3 ounces of mixed shredded cheese – my combo was mozzarella, asiago and cheddar cheese.

I baked the crust at 425 on the lower rack of the oven for about 5-6 minutes, just enough so that it can slide off the pizza pan.  Put the toppings on, and cooked it directly on the middle oven rack for about 10 more minutes, until the cheese is nice and melty.

Then sprinkled it with chopped iceburg lettuce and a few crushed tortilla chips on top.  I usually also put refried beans on this pizza, but I was out.  But this was delicious!  I had 3 slices for 15 points.

Of course Tony, while he loved it, said “you know we aren’t have pizza Friday night, right?!” πŸ˜€

Here’s a funny story.  Hannah’s had a cough the last few days that have kept her up a couple hours in the middle of the night.  I was worried it might be bronchitis and thought she should see a doctor.  But then I thought about it.  Um, Hannah only has a pediatrician!  Hannah’s 19!

Although the last time I had to take her to the doctor (maybe when she was 13?) I asked how long she could keep coming there, and the doctor said it wasn’t uncommon to treat his patients through college. πŸ˜€

So I set up the appointment for yesterday morning, joked if she wanted me to take her (she said no) and she sat in a waiting room full of Curious George wall paper – with two other girls Hannah thought were 16 or 17 – and missed one of the kids she babysits for by an hour.  They gave her an inhaler and a Z-pack and by yesterday afternoon she was already feeling better.   Hopefully her cough is better today.

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 30 points
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 129

And I’ll leave you with one of my early crappy pictures – why on earth I decided to post this shitty picture I’ll never know!  Doesn’t that look really appetizing?? Ha!  Have a great day!