I have a deep freeze that seriously could fit about five or six bodies. Not that I would know that or anything! The great thing about it is that I got it for free. Our community has something called freecycle.org, and if you want to get rid of something, you just post it and see what happens.
About six years ago I was on there, and someone was giving away a deep freeze. I’d always wanted one! They said it was kind of banged up on the outside because it had been kept in their garage, but otherwise worked perfectly well. I told Tony about it, and said I was going to go get it. He was like “how the hell are you going to get that by yourself?!”
Turns out it just barely made it in the back of our Explorer – it was a pain in the ass to get it in our basement, pretty sure lots of swear words were spoken, but I absolutely love it. Only one problem. Things get lost in there. There are only two shelves on either side and then just this giant floor. Anyone have any suggestions on how to organize a deep freeze?
The reason I bring it up is because I forgot I had some of my homemade pita breads in there! So breakfast became a pita pizza with sliced apple on the side.

I was happy that at the gym the sound for the Food Network channel was working again – it had been out for almost a week! I watched Rachael Ray make a delicious pork chop and apple sauce recipe that I think I’ll recreate. I ended up doing 50 minutes on the elliptical at level 10! Well, 5 minutes was a cool down, but it was a great workout.
Have you tried the tofu noodles? It’s 2 servings per package, but I use the whole thing since its only 40 calories.
I think its a love/hate thing with these noodles from what I’ve read on other peoples blogs. My sister can’t stand the texture, others can’t stand the smell. I love them – I think they just absorb whatever flavors you have in the dish.

Here is how it happens. Tony and I will be watching Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and we’ll see something and think – we have to have that! The other day we saw burgers that were cooked really quick on a flat top grill, the edges were charred, yet the burger was still juicy. Tony told me about his days working at Steak N Shake when he was younger and decided he could recreate this burger magic.
Here is the typical scenario when I cook. Every spoon has been used and is sitting in the sink, not one ingredient has been put away until after we eat, prep/cooking/cleaning sometimes takes up to an hour.
When Tony cooks? Its mis en place, counters are cleaned, if a spoon is used it is immediately washed, dried and put away. He started cooking at 6:00 and we were eating at 6:10!

And it took me approximately two minutes to clean the kitchen after we ate 😀 Thanks for a great burger Tony!
Stats for Wednesday:
- 1330 calories, 158 carbs, 65 protein, 49 fat and 14.3 fiber
- 33% of calories from fat
- 50 minutes elliptical (45 minutes at level 10) 😀
Are you a messy or clean cook?
Make it a great day!
I do have a suggestion… We have the same freezer. It is so big that I keep three ice chests in there, much easier to organize. I have one for my leftover stuff, one for bagged vegetables and one for everything else.
Also, I bought the ice chests at garage sales, no more than 2 or three dollars each.
I am such a messy cook!
Although I consider myself a messy cook, I always get all my ingredients ready to go. I’m all about the mis en place. I may use a few too many spoons, but since they’ll all end up in the dishwasher anyways, I don’t worry too much. I tend to spill alot, because I’m a bit of a spaz.
The only problem with putting that many bodies in the freezer is they are hard to move to get to the good stuff in the back.
Seriously? Have they thought about having Tony cloned?? You’d make millions, dear!
My grandparents have a deep freeze and they’ve always used those plastic or metal organizing baskets stacked. Like- frozen fruits in one, frozen poultry in one, etc. I’m sure stuff still gets lost, but at least that way there’s SOME attempt at organization and keeping stuff together.
That burger looks so, so yummy! I’ve never been to a steak n shake!
OMG, they have the best chili there Christina! Do you have them anywhere near you on the south side??
Haha–I’m totally like you Biz! The worst one was I underestimated the volume of a particular recipe and literally went through every mixing bowl I owned until finally I threw the whole thing into my largest stock pot! My poor BF–he’s so nice and always cleans when I cook. But I think he was plotting my demise after that one! 😀
I don’t think it’s possible to organize a deep freeze…hm. We just have 2 fridges — one for beer and frozen meat, and one for everything else. 🙂
That burger looks awesome! And tofu noodles?! Have I been living under a rock or something!??!?!?! I’m on a mission………..
I like the angel hair shirataki noodles the best! They taste REALLY good with Asian flavorings and stir fries, not so much tomato sauce.
That burger looks mouthwatering!!! YUM
What if you just get plastic storage shelves from Target and place them in the freezer, or stack them somehow so things don’t get lost?
I do the same thing as you, use a spoon to taste something, and then throw it in the sink, get another spoon, etc… I am a messy cook!
I’m pretty clean, I have to admit. I like to clean as I cook, so when the meal is ready, my dishes are minimal. However, once in a blue moon I’ll throw caution to the wind and make a real mess…onion peels everywhere, etc…it’s a glorious feeling 😉
I’m a clean cook – which resembles how I like to work on anything! I like to clean as I go because I concentrate better in tidy spaces. Plus, less cleaning up when I’m finished!
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
My daughter would love to have you for a roommate then!
Oh wow, that burger looked goooood! I am a Tony – very clean as you go kind of cook.
My best friend made me try those tofu noodles when I was in California over the summer and I was pleasantly surprised – I had read so much about the smell and texture that I was expecting something awful, but they were fine. Actually, I’d forgotten about them until your post – I’ll have to put them on my grocery list!
Biz – check out my blog post! You won an award!
Off to check it out – thanks Amanda! 😀
Yummy! That burger looks wonderful. As for your deep freezer problem, I have seen people use plastic milk crates or metal crates to organize their food. If I am not mistaking my grandmother used metal crates. I think something was used as a liner on the crates to prevent sticking of the packaging. I have heard of free cycle as well. Sounds like you got a deal! Although, I don’t know how you accomplished getting it by yourself!!!! Sounds like something I would do!! 🙂
Plastic crates – genius!!! Maybe I could have a crate for each thing – like meat, soups, veggies – great idea!
If you ever get an organization idea for the freezer , let me know – I have 2 medium sized deep freezers and am constantly losing things in there.
As for the noodles, I have tryed the miracle noodles – no tofu in them. I can’t tolerate the texture – you can wash away the fish smell easily but the worm like texture bothered me – maybe the tofu ones are less rubbery?
My daughter said it was like eating worms, but I like them – maybe give these a try, you never know!
I’ve told you before… I think we’re twins! Well, okay…I know Jen is your twin, so how about kindred spirits 🙂 I am the EXACT SAME way in the kitchen. I would be booted out of a restaurant kitchen in a heartbeat! But, all that matters is the food tastes good, right?! The mess can wait.
I want your burger! And pita pizza!
I’m a clean cook!
I’ve never had a deep freeze – the organization project sounds like a fun one to tackle though!
I want your pita pizza – YUM! I wish I liked those noodles but I just can’t take them. 🙁
I tried to like those noodles 2 times…it did not work out. I kept gagging. lol
Oh my goodness…..I want a burger so bad now! lol
I can not watch Diners, Drive ins, & Dives. I salivate the entire time it is on….and my BF watches it a lot! Mostly after I go to bed! lol
What a great pizza idea! I love rediscovering food in the freezer… you get an unexpected, delicious, homemade meal in a flash!
So weird! We must have been on the same cosmic gastonomic quest yesterday. I also wanted burgers like you see on DDD! Yes, heaven on a plate.
I’ve tried to like the tofu noodles but just can’t get past the smell and texture. I’ve washed them like crazy, dried them, etc etc. Just can’t do it. 🙁
Those burgers, on the other hand, I can help you with. Send one over. 😀
So Tony is a short order cook! Figures you’d have one of them…my husband always cooks the shit out of things on the grill (along with the flavor) so I’d like you to clone Tony when you clone yourself and then both of you can come cook for us!
With the freezer, I was thinking about those coated wire organizers that come in all shapes and sizes. The even have some that are basically an upside down “U”, only like a table that can add a “shelf” to a bigger shelf, thereby doubling the shelf space. I wonder if something like that could work? I made your cauliflower quiche over the weekend. Hubby didn’t even know there was cauliflower in it! (He hates it, but loved the quiche.)
That’s a good idea Leslie! 😀
I can’t stand the smell of those noodles. I tried to like them I really did. Sigh.
I am a messy cook, I use a ton of dishes and utensils. I do try to wash them as I go so I won’t be left with a huge mess at the end.
That pita pizza looks delicious. And I know how it feels to “lose” things in the deep freeze!
I always want to try those noodles because of their calorie count and nutrition content but I can’t eat soy because of my thyroid – boo!
You and Tony sound like Mr. Helen and me – go at something from completely different angles yet end up at the same conclusion. And how nice that he cooked for you!
Those burgers look delicious.
When I do cook I tend to make a mess out of the entire kitchen and use every utensil, pot and pan I have. This could be the reason why I hate to cook. I wouldn’t mind so much if someone else did the clean up.
please don’t actually put any bodies in your freezer! haha. i’ve never had those noodles. i just heard someone complaining about the smell, and now i’m not sure i want to buy them! i’m a ridiculously messy cook too. i use lots of utensils and too many dishes like i’m on food network or something,…psshh