Wow, did it rain yesterday!  Pretty much off and on all day long.  One of our blog challengers Beth got water in her basement it was so bad!  Hope it’s all better by today B!  Thankfully the sun is out and our high today is 72 – perfect!

While I was blogging yesterday I cooked up a 4 ounce potato to go with my egg white, spinach, ham and cheese eggs with fruit.  I really do love my microwave egg cooker.

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There was no chance for a walk at lunch, so I went to the gym.  I started out with 10 minutes of abs on the ball, then walked a quick 2 miles while watching The Chew – the show was about grilling!  But it wasn’t anything I already knew – duh – I am pretty much a grill master – ha!   I guess some people don’t realize that you can put a skillet or pan directly on the grill.  I am following a bunch of grill masters on Instagram and I questioned one of them about the type of grill I should get – and he told me to “hold on” because a new product is coming out that’s going to be amazing.  I bet it has a $1000+ pricetag though!  All I know is that I need a bit more grill space, especially when I grill several things to have later in the week.  Lunch was a Greek chicken pita with tzatziki, spinach, red cabbage and a bit of cheese with the best cherries.

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Around 4:30 I decided to test my blood sugar and it was 125 – fuck.  I want it to be at least 220, so I went in my lunch bag and ate the rest of my fruit – about a cup and that was enough fuel to get through my strength and finish another 2 miles on the treadmill – this time at a slower pace (3.6) but at 15.0 incline – holy balls I was sweating with that one!

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The Bitesized Fitness chest routine took me just over 25 minutes to complete. 

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I loved my workout shirt yesterday – it was one of the .99 cent ones from the thrift store and it’s Danskin – I love the length of it and it’s really soft.

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I had burgers on the menu along with . . . onion rings.  Yep.  More onions on My Bizzy Kitchen – the world has gone crazy!!  I picked up these onions at the farmers market called candy onions – sweet like a vadalia, but much smaller.  I only used one onion for the whole batch, and added just a few to the top of my burger salad.  I don’t think I’ll ever eat a burger at home with a bun because this salad was amazeballs.  Fresh farmers market spinach, red cabbage, carrots, cucumber topped with two teaspoons of light Caesar dressing, then I put the three ounce sirloin burger on top of that, then drizzled some of the chimichurri sauce I made over the weekend and then topped it off with the onion rings. You guys, I ate every.single.bite.  Best part – the nutrition wasn’t bad!  This whole plate comes in at 543 calories, 26 fat, 50 carbs, 9 fiber and 33 grams of protein.

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Rummy wanted in on dinner too – such a diva with her painted toes!

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So even without my morning walk I did pretty good and got just over 13k steps for the day.

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Alright, gotta get this show on the road – I have about 25 minutes for a walk, then I need to get my food together for the day.  We have birthday treats today at the office and I made peanut butter and banana muffins with an oatmeal crumble on top.  I’ll be posting the recipe tomorrow – they are made with Greek yogurt, and the only butter is 1 tablespoon that’s mixed in with the topping so each one comes in at around 180 calories – nice!

Make it a great day!!