with my breakfast again!  I give you the last installment of zucchini pita pizza!  I actually almost overcooked it – I assembled it at work, but it in our toaster convection oven and then went to check messages and email.  All of a sudden I was like “my pizza!”  I ran to the kitchen and saved it just in time – this crust was extra crunchy and delicious!

I had been having a craving for a spicy wonton soup.  I was looking around my pantry, and made a delicious broth of light coconut milk, chicken broth, sriracha and crushed red pepper.  It was so delicious – just the right amount of flavorful heat.  My idea was to put my shrimp wontons together at work and then have them cook in the broth I made.

Except on my way to work, 3/4 of my broth spilled out into my lunch bagFudgemonkeys!   So on my way to my lunch workout, there is a Walgreen’s next door and I picked up another can of chicken broth.  So while it missed some of the coconut flavor, my spice pantry at work saved the day.

I made six wontons – the filling is a mixture of 3 ounces cooked shrimp, diced, fresh basil, garlic and a bit of spicy szechwan sauce.

And while this doesn’t look that appetizing, I assure you I could not stop eating this!

386 calories, 35 carbs, 29 protein, 12.7 fat and1.6 fiber

Dinner was quick and easy.  I just made grilled chicken cordon bleu patty melts.

I had pepper jack cheese on mine – I ate half my sandwich and 1 ounce of jalapeno potato chips (or what I like to call crack chips!)

And Tony made peach ice cream!   It is such a simple machine to use, we need to start using it more often.

If you haven’t already checked these out, they are definitely worth it!

New blog to me: Go Pop Go!  He had he funniest post to his daughters about how not to use the internez – it had me laughing out loud!

Cooking Fanatic made her own homemade ancho chile sauce!  Definitely on my list of things to make.

The Manhattan Food Project made a delicious looking soup called sopa catalana . . .luckily I can eat soup even if its 90 degrees outside!

And check out Kevin from Closet Cookings take on chile rellenos – my mouth waters just looking at that dish!

Don’t forget to submit your BSI recipe – ground turkey! I am making a version of a Turkish dish that I saw Amanda’s sister make called Boregi – in my head it turns out amazing 😀

I am off of work today!  After I hit publish its AM yoga, abs, and then a bike ride before meeting my Mom at Goodwill.  Hannah gets off of work at 11:45 and then the three of us are headed up to Lake Geneva for the day – there were so many cute shops I wanted to stop at when we were there for my MIL’s renuion, but didn’t have time then.

I’ll be unplugged all day – I’ll catch up with you tomorrow!

Stats for Thursday

  • 1416 calories, 147 carbs, 84 protein, 53 fat, 13.9 fiber
  • 40 minutes elliptical
  • no alcohol 😀

Happy Friday!