Do any of you subscribe to the Food Network Magazine?  I absolutely love it.  While not everything is healthy, this recipe caught my eye:

I adapted it a bit by using rosemary ham and cheddar cheese.   And while I was skeptical about having arugula on top of my eggs, it was really good!

Open Face Cheese and Ham Omelet with Arugula (printer friendly version here)

Makes 1 serving (327 calories, 13 fat, 6.2 carbs, 1.5 fiber and 24 protein)


2 large eggs
1 1/2 ounce deli ham, rosemary flavored
1/4 cup roasted red pepper
1/2 ounce cheddar cheese
1 cup arugula
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper


  1. Dice roasted peppers and cook in 6 inch skillet for about 5 minutes. Add eggs that have been scrambled and when the eggs are almost set, add sliced ham and cheese and put a top on until eggs are done cooking.
  2. To assemble – toss arugula with the oil and vinegar and salt and pepper to taste and place on top of open face omelet.
I found this at my local grocery store - only $3!
I cooked the omelet at home, then tossed the arugula with the oil and vinegar at work so it wouldn't wilt

On the side was a cup of watermelon:

Breakfast: 373 calories, 17.8 fat, 25 carbs, 23 protein and 2.1 fiber

Before I went to work out, I checked my blood sugar and it was 83.  While that is a great number, I needed it to be higher before working out, so I ate one of my blueberry muffins.

It did the trick!  After biking a sweaty 7.5 miles on the bike, when I was done working out my blood sugar was 98.  I know Gina, Melinda and Nicole would be so proud of my numbers. 😀  I test my blood sugar about 5 times a day, and my monthly average is 114! 😀

When I got back from working out I was hangry!   I had chicken caesar salad on my menu, but ended up using 3 oz. of leftover grilled turkey from Meatfest 2010.  On the side was my pepper and potato soup to which I added 1/2 cup of three cheese tortellini – this took me over an hour to eat!

with Annie's Goddess dressing 😀
Lunch: 592 calories, 66 carbs, 21 fat, 15.2 protein and 5.6 fiber

While I had baked Fish & Chips on the menu, after seeing this recipe, (and discovering Tony threw up in his mouth a little at the idea of rice krispie coated baked fish) I decided I had to make it fried.  I put it into caloriecount, and it actually didn’t turn out too bad.  However, her instructions said for crispy fries, soak the potatoes for at least one hour or overnight, so I’ll make that for dinner tonight.

So it was on to Plan B!  My tried and true Buffalo Chicken Chili – except I left out the Frank’s hot sauce on this one.  Even then, it was just on the spicy side for Tony, but I thought it was wonderful.  While it does get better the longer it simmers, this took 45 minutes from beginning to plate.

I puree all the veggies first, then add the diced tomatoes to puree - not a fan of chunky chili

Then after the ground chicken breast has cooked for 10 minutes, just throw everything in the pool and simmer for 30 minutes.

A ate about 1/2 an ounce of tortilla chips to taste test the chili, and added that to my final dinner total calorie count.  Served over 1/2 cup cooked penne pasta and 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese, and for me – an extra kick of Chipotle Tabasco 😀

573 calories, 49 carbs, 28 fat, 24 protein and 10.3 fiber

Stats for Monday:

  • 1,754 calories (not pictured 1/2 ounce almonds)
  • 175 carbs
  • 109 protein
  • 41 fat
  • 21 fiber
  • 6.0 mile hill climb on the bike machine
  • 1.5 mile sprint ride (where I beat my previous time by 30 seconds!)

I’ve updated our 101 Days of Summer Page.  If I missed your week 6 update email, just let me know!

Don’t forget to check out this weeks BSI – hostess.  She chose black eyed peas!