My step-son Joe left today to move to Austin, Texas 🙁  That’s a 19 hour drive people!

I first met Joe when he was a 10 year old, slightly pudgy boy with a buzz hair cut.  I know it had to be hard seeing his Dad with someone other than his Mom, but he warmed up to me pretty quickly.

This picture was taken at a company picnic in the summer of 2000 - only 3 weeks after Tony and I met! 😀

I am an affectionate person and I loved hugging him from the get go.  Then maybe after about a year, we were in our new house, watching t.v. and bit by bit Joe sat a bit closer, a bit closer to me, until I had my arm around him and we watched the rest of the show like that – not sure if he remembers that, but I do!

Hannah, Joe and Maxi around Easter this year
Joe and Hannah in Door County - Summer 2006
High School Football - lots of Friday night games!
still my favorite picture of the kids - Joe was a sophomore and Hannah was in 8th grade

I like to call this one: tree lover

And one of my favorite pictures of Tony and Joe:

Birthday - September 2008

And I like to call this picture his “model” picture!

parasailing in Door County

Joe and Hannah stopped by my office yesterday morning so he could say good-bye.  I tried to keep the conversation light and quick because I didn’t want to cry!

We hugged, said I’ll miss you and I love you and they walked away.

It wasn’t until they turned the corner . . . then I cried. 🙁

I’ll miss you Joe and I love you!  “See” you on Facebook 😀