Okay, I hate to admit it, but I was wrong. Last night was not our first date! I thought by printing out our first emails together I would always have that right! You know how Tony figured it out?
The email that I thought was sent a couple days before our first date? That was sent from my work email address. I was at my brother’s house the weekend before we met, so there is no way June 3 could have been our first date! Know what else is weird – in 2000 there was no remote access to work email! So for the record . . .Tony, you were right!
Check out our participant page! We are now 44 people strong! Go check out the new people I added! What I love so far about this challenge is that although I may not be able to comment every day on each persons blog, I love that some of us have “met” the other contestants and are cheering each other on! 😀
So yes, I did get my ass out of bed at 5:45, blogged and then was out the door at 6:30 to hit the hour long Group Power class. But then I realized my food would be in the car for almost 2 hours, and I didn’t have time to put my food together AND in a cooler – I need to plan better next time!
My fuel before hand was 1/2 a small banana nut muffin. Being insulin dependent diabetic can be a bit tricky when it comes to exercise. Nicole and I talked about it, and I purposely keep my blood sugar on the high side so I have enough to work out at the intensity level I want. What works for me is that I take 1/2 the amount of insulin I normally would before I exercise. 😀

So I get to the gym, walk up to the desk and say “do you know where the group power class is meeting?” She looks at me and says “there are no instructors here.” I point to their summer class schedule and say “according to your summer class schedule, it says it starts at 7:00 a.m.” She replied “I don’t think its summer yet.” WTF?
So on to plan B! I walked for 5 minutes, then jogged for 35 minutes while catching up on the news:
Then I did 5 minutes of biceps, 5 minutes triceps, 5 minutes back extensions and 5 minutes of abs on the balance ball. Then finished it off with a 10 minute sprint on the bike machine for 2.4 miles! 😀
Since I didn’t bring any food, I ended up getting a breakfast sandwich on whole grain and fruit at the cafe in the building next to me. It was huge! I ended up eating half for breakfast, then the other half before my second workout (yep, you read that right!).

I went back to the gym at lunch, found someone who knew what they were talking about, and they apologized and said the class schedule was being “finalized” this week, and by the weekend they’ll have the new schedule on their website and next week I’ll be good go go!
I went back to the bike machine and did a run called Alpine Lane. Sounds nice, right? OMG, the hardest hill climb!! I actually had to stand up on the bike to get up the hill and I was sweating buckets – it took me 15 minutes to ride 3 miles – the highest grade was 35%!
Then I walked on the treadmill for 25 minutes at a 6.0 incline. But then I could feel my blood sugar drop, and when I got into the locker room, I checked it and it was 42 🙁 Luckily I always carry glucose tabs with me – three tabs later and my sugar was back up to 86 😀
Because I worked out so much, I didn’t think I had enough to eat, so I picked up McDonald’s Southwest salad – love the dressing!

So since it was our “anniversary” I suggested we go out to eat! We went for sushi to our regular place. Is it weird that when we sit down the waitress says “Miller Lite and Kirin Light?”
We got there early, like 5:45 and the place was already packed. We got a seat right by the sushi makers!
I got my usual miso soup, and aged dashi tofu – I wish I could make this at home – its perfectly crunchy on the outside, yet like cream on the inside!
And something different: beef tenderloin wrapped asparagus with a slightly sweet teriyaki glaze – the meat was perfectly tender, the asparagus still had a crunch to it and the sauce wasn’t overly sweet.
I asked the server if they had any hot sauce, like sriracha – one time they brought me homemade hot sauce – it had crushed red pepper, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar – so good! A couple minutes later she said “is this okay?”

Wanna see something gross! Hopefully you aren’t eating your breakfast or lunch when you see this!
Yep – that’s my sunburned arm . . .5 days after the initial burn! When I worked out and sweat, the sweat stayed in these little bubbles – so gross! But my friend MB made a funny comment when we were emailing back and forth, she said “sweat-filled sun blisters sounds a little gross and creepy, but cool to see all your hard earned sweat contained!”
Stats for Day 4 of 101:
- 1,843 calories, 201 carbs, 118 protein, 63 fat and 23 fiber
- 29% calories from fat, 24.5% from protein, 42% from carbs, 4.1% from alcohol
- a total of 100 minutes of exercise!
Starting in the summer our office gets to wear jeans on Fridays! Alright, I am off to do Biggest Loser Last Chance workout on my Exercise on Demand.
Oh, and if you had trouble loading the 101 Days of Summer Challenge badge, my friend Christina’s boyfriend made a widget that might be easier to put on your blogs – thanks J!! Seriously, I am so not technical!
<a href=”http://biz319.wordpress.com/group-101-update/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://glc.dinneratchristinas.com/i/101days.jpg” alt=”101 Days of Summer Challenge” style=”width: 220px; height: 165px; border: 0″ /></a>
Biz, I really have debated joining this challenge. I have decided not to though because my goals would be simple – to get back to goal setting and daily reporting. That doesn’t sound like much of a goal for a challenge. 🙂 I am eagerly watching it unfold nonetheless!
Hey Biz… Made my challenge post today (were your ears burning)…
go girl! you’re doing awesome, and i love that you’re still enjoying great food while being so healthy! and happy anniversary!
I live in my sun block..
Wow, that stinks about getting up early for the class! I’d probably go back home and crawl in bed! hehe
I got sunburned really badly on my chest once and it blistered – I think it might be a sunburn healing process.. next’ll be the PEELING! Ah, such fun!
I’ve sunburnt myself that badly before – I fell asleep on the back deck, and my arms and legs were so bad. They blistered like that twice! And I too, found it weirdly fascinating.
how funny about your non anniversary! love your sushi but i have a real hard time not overeating it when i go out. you are doing so well on your workouts! i feel like i am off to a slow start……… happy friday! i got to check out the widgets!
I just really hope your burn gets better. That looks pretty well blistered there.
i love the coutdown and eveytime i see what a great day youve had i get inspired and super excited for you!! <3
I was just feeling like sushi for lunch, but we decided to catch something quick daownstairs, now you have really made me feel like sushi 🙂
You are doing great on the working out – sad to admit but I have been more than slack this week 🙁
TWO Workouts! GO YOU! 🙂 Whoohooo!
I’m going on vacation next week and I SOOOO don’t want to get sunburn! Hopefully I’ll learn from you!
A widget?! How official! Dinner looks amazing, especially that tofu…yum! I’ve seen some yummy looking tofu in the blogosphere today already. Makes me want to find some for lunch. My arm looked like that after 2 weekends ago…I hate when it gets all bubbly like that and then peels. Ohhh well 🙂
I sunburn so badly, I really don’t “tan” I just get a lighter shade of burnt 😉 Great job on getting through Day 4! I soo wanted to go back to sleep this morning when the alarm went off, but I reminded myself a – Marathon coming up in 19 weeks and b – couldn’t let the other 101 day’ers down! Have a great Friday!
My hubby’s arm looks just the same! Darn sunburns:)
So funny, we live in eastern IA and we also get WGN from Chicago…I saw you were watching it this morning:)
Finally made your salsa this week!!!
You are so inspiring!! I haven’t tried that McDonald’s salad yet, but it looks great!
My last sunburn made my WHOLE body (basically) do that. So gross.
Look at you pullin’ 2 a days! 🙂 Wooot woooot!
Keep up the great work, Beth. Only 97 more days till summer is over! I had a great workout yesterday as well.
Your dinner looked AMAZING!! 🙂 And bummer about your morning workout – I hate when I have something on the mind and I actually make it to the class and it’s cancelled. But good for you for getting in a good sweating workout anyways! Lovin the challenge so far, it’s keeping me accountable.
HAHAHA! Enjoy the marvel of those sweat-filled blisters as they will be popping any day and you can spend hours peeling off a layer of skin.
I’m so excited about the challenge and hope it will keep me in line over the weekend.
And your pulling your energy from where????? ive been so tired and your blogs are helping me to be motivated, hubby gone all weekend for golf and im on major workout mode for the weekend, weigh in on monday…yikes…
You can do it Connie!! One of the things it says on the bottom of the bike machine I ride . . . You Can Do or Don’t. There is no Try! I am rooting for you!
Beef tenderloin wrapped asparagus sounds absolutely amazing!!! I love to go to our favorite restaurant and get the same waitress who knows what we like!!!