I still hadn’t made my quiche or scallop bisque – so yesterdays breakfast and lunch is what I like to call “throw shit in a bag and see what you can put together at work!”
I grabbed an egg to make an Arnold thin egg sammie using the last of our steak. I got to work, started to crack the egg and nothing! I cracked again really hard, only to realize that I grabbed one of Tony’s hard boiled eggs! All was not lost – I sliced it and put it on my sammie – while messy, it was still good! Oh, and I may have added Tabasco! 😀
On the side I had the best orange – although I could only eat half of this bowl because I was full!
Inspiration for lunch was when I found six frozen shrimp in my freezer – I realized I hadn’t made stir fry forever! The base of my stir fry was yaki soba noodles – so good and only 150 calories for a 5 oz. serving! They are already cooked – I just heated them in hot water and then drained them before adding them to the veggies.
Once at my desk I realized that it needed a bit more sauce – I should have tossed the noodles in the pan – I had a few slices of orange left, so I added about a teaspoon more of stir fry sauce and then juiced the oranges over the top – it turned out delicious!
I got a bit hungry later in the afternoon – I knew our reservation wasn’t until 7:15, so I had an ounce of sourdough pretzel nuggets.
I could hardly wait for the work day to get over with!! I came home, changed clothes, put on some make-up and we were out the door. First stop? We stopped to see my steop-son Joe at work for a cocktail. I had a glass of Fat Tire. 😀
Then we headed to the other side of the mall to Ruth’s Chris! It’s funny – the location we went to is Tony’s old stomping grounds – he said in the 70’s and early 80’s that whole property was farm land and two lane roads – it is so built up now with malls and corporate offices!
I had a glass of Shiraz at the bar. Now here is where my pictures go to hell in a hand basket – that is probably our only complaint that the restaurant is so dimly lit!
I went with the $40 option – you can create your own three course meal!
I chose the corn and crab chowder to start with. Holy cow was this good! It tasted like corn off the cob – so crunchy! And the cream base with a hint of crab and spices on the side. I am definitely going to try to create a healthy version of this over the summer when we get fresh corn!
We also ordered a bottle of wine – I first had this wine at an office event – its Coppola’s Claret. It’s part of their diamond collection. I know nothing about wine at all – that job is well taken care of by my friend Cathy at the Noble Pig!
All I know is that I like how it tastes!
I went with the six ounce filet and shrimp combo for my dinner. OMG. Tony and I had to ask where they get their meat from – we have never been disappointed!! Turns out they raise their own cattle, right down to what they eat, so they have complete control of their meat.

Oh, and there may be a tad bit of butter on the bottom of the plate!

I had garlic mashed potatoes as my side, and Tony got creamed spinach. And that creamed spinach melted in your mouth!!!
For dessert Tony had a couple bites of the chocolate cake – okay, I had a couple bites of his too – my dessert was just perfectly ripe berries!

Who wants to guess the tab??
Best part?? We had $150 in gift cards, so our bill was only $30+ tip – nice!!! Thanks for a great night out Tony!
I have no idea how many calories I had, just moving on to another day! 😀 I did walk for 45 minutes yesterday though!
I am about to pull a breakfast pizza out of the oven and finally watch Glee! Then it’s off for lunch with my twin sister and our best friends who are twins too.
Come back tomorrow for my recipe for blackened chicken pizza with creole Tabasco sauce! 😀
What a great date night out. Who cares what the calories were. It’s one night, and you were out to enjoy yourselves. I probably would have gone with steak as well – I love ordering steak at really good restaurants, because I know it will be cooked to perfection. Totally worth paying top dollar for!
You are so funny…glad you like the wine!!
i’ve heard that ruth’s chris is really good! everything sounds mouthwatering.
Oh man! What a bill, but at least it wans’t too big for you in the end!
wish i had date nights to go on…jealous. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the night though!!!
Love date night. Sometimes life catches up and we get busy but we try really hard not to let more than a couple weeks go by without a date. I always have 1 day a week where I eat what I want and don’t track – usually Saturday and that’s usually the day where I drink what I want too! Coppola’s Merlot is another good wine if you have a chance to try it. I find it to be more like a Cabernet than Merlot. I made your Crustless Quiche yesterday and got the calories down to 197 per serving by using turkey sausage and low fat cheese. It was yummy. Even Mr. Helen enjoyed it and he usually complains about “diet” food.
Wahoo! That’s awesome Helen!! 😀
What a great date night! I have only eaten at Ruth Chris once, in Orlando for work, so thankfully I didn’t have to pay the tab!
I love Fat Tire beer:)
I just referenced you on my post today…I’m dying to make your baja salsa!
Wow, what a fabulous dinner!!! 😀 The corn and crab chowder sounds awesome.
Loved all the pics. That bill is crazy! Woo hoo for gift cards.
That meal sounds fantastic but could you really imagine spending $180 on one meal?? So glad to hear about your gift cards! Sounds like a fantastic time, thanks for letting us all know so we can dream! 🙂
Hot dog that was $$$$$$ but yay for gift cards!!!! everything looked delish!
It’s wonderful to have a fun night out and just enjoy it! The food looks oh-so-good!
(I have to admit, I chuckled at the image of you trying to crack a hard boiled egg into a pan. Also, I liked the phrase “throw shit in a bag”. Hee hee! 😉 )
Great date night – giftcards are awesome!
Bad lighting in restaurants doesn’t give off a ‘romantic’ feel to me – it makes me sleepy.
I love Fat Tire beer…..so good
ahhaha that’s hilarious about cracking the egg only to find a hard-boiled egg. I can just picture it!
I hate when restaurants have bad lighting too. Drives me nuts. I think your pictures look pretty good!
Perfect attitude for that dinner – glad you enjoyed yourselves…it looked wonderful!!!
Woah, that bill is crazy!! But that’s awesome you didn’t have to pay too much for it!! Glad yall had a lovely date night, you most definitely deserved it!! 🙂