I saw a recipe on Eating Well’s website for huevos rancheros verdes.   But the serving size was for six people, and considering the fact that no one else in my family would touch that dish with a ten foot pole, I customized it for one.   I was a bit leery when I saw pinto beans, but I actually loved it!  I had two corn tortillas, I spread 1/4 cup of mashed pinto beans on each tortilla, used 1/2 cup egg beaters and 1/4 cup egg whites for the eggs, and used my Baja Fresh salsa and fresh cilantro on top – oh, and 1/2 ounce of pepper jack cheese 😀

with a cup of mixed fruit on the side
Breakfast: 404 calories, 57 carbs, 29 protein, 5.1 fat and 8 fiber

I have For The Love of Cooking to thank for my tomato soup I had for lunch!  Although I did make a few changes.  While she roasted her grape tomatoes and garlic, I decided to grill mine 😀  I also added more vegetable broth because I thought it was a bit thick the first time around.  Oh, and I added 1/2 cup of fat free half and half for a bit more creamier taste.


Grilled Cream of Tomato Soup Recipe

Ingredients (printer friendly version here) Each cup: 68 calories, 1.1 fat, 13.1 carbs, 3.4 fiber and 2.4 protein)

1 teaspoon olive oil
2 carrots
Two 28 ounce canned tomato
7 basil leaves
1 teaspoon oregano
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
6 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
2 cups vegetable stock
1/2 cup fat free half and half
2 cups grape tomatoes


  1. Grill the grape tomatoes and garlic until the outsides are charred, but the tomatoes are still plump and juicy.
  2. Heat olive oil in dutch oven. Add carrots and cook for 5 minutes. Add the grilled garlic, roasted tomatoes, 2 cans of tomatoes, basil, oregano, vinegar and both.
  3. Let the soup simmer on low for 2 hours. Using a stick blender, puree the soup. Remove from heat and stir in fat free half and half.

since grape tomatoes are so small, you need to move them around a lot so they get charred, but still hold their juice

I love the smokiness of this soup!!

On the side I had a poblano pepper, pepper jack grilled cheese sammie on sour dough bread.  You can’t have tomato soup without grilled cheese! 😀

Lunch comes in at 354 calories, 56 carbs, 12.8 protein, 8.3 fiber and 9.1 protein

Here is where I have to give Tony props.  As I am sure all of my amazing cook readers will know, typically beef roasts, especially cheap ones, have to be cooked low and slow.  I would almost always use these cuts in the crock pot to make pot roast.  Neh, neh.  Tony likes these cuts of meats on the grill.  Yep, you read that right!  And the first time he cooked in this method, I was standing in front of the grill saying “you know all the recipes I found online for that type of meat said to cook it for three hours!”

And you know what?  This meat is delicious and tender at medium rare!

I simply seared it on both sides, then raised it to the top shelf of the grill on the opposite side, in indirect heat
I made a grilled red potato for myself on the side

I also made salads as our vegetable.  Um, guess which one is mine?!

Dinner comes in at 446 calories, 44 carbs, 41 protein, 12.1 fat and 6.1 fiber

Un-photographed was one ounce of pretzels during the day, and salt and vinegar pirates booty last night – snacks came in at: 264 calories, 56 carbs, 6 fat, 0 protein, and 1 fiber.

Stats for Monday:

  • sprint/jog/walk on treadmill for 4o minutes (fastest sprint at 5.8 mph)
  • 1,469 calories, 213 carbs, 89 protein, 26 fat and 24 fiber
  • average blood sugar: 109 😀

Did anyone else get their Cooking Light yet?  Can’t wait to try out their pizza dough!

This weeks BSI Hostess is One Frugal Foodie – she picked sunflower seeds!  While the obvious choice would be to make granola bars or something like that, I need to come up with something unusual 😀

And a quick shout out to Alison – I meant to say something yesterday, but over the weekend she has officially lost 65 pounds!!  She and I have the same taste of foods too, so you should check out her recipes!  That’s where I got my cauliflower mac n cheese from!  Great job Alison!

And Amanda met her WW goal – she’s lost 109 pounds in 112 weeks!  Just goes to show that slow and steady wins the race!   So proud of you Amanda! 😀

Alright – off to make a breakfast pizza – Biggest Loser and American Idol tonight! 😀