Our breakfast for our bosses yesterday was a big hit.  Let’s just say my bacon stuffed cinnamon rolls were a hit, as well as the breakfast casserole my co-worker makes that is to die for, and waffles, sausage, hash browns – we even had a special drink menu!

My plate:  397 calories, 5.5 carbs

My friend and I were able to walk outside yesterday – perfect weather – yesterday I decided to walk with 4 pound weights – had I known I was going to be hole punching paper for two hours later in the afternoon, I may have made a different decision!

So I saw somewhere (if its your idea – let me know – I forgot to write down where I saw it!) a recipe for cream of tomato soup with blue cheese and bacon.  I nixed the bacon idea, but loved the blue cheese idea.  I bought roma tomatoes last week – only .49 cents a pound!

Cream of Tomato Soup with Blue Cheese

(printer friendly version here)

Makes 4 servings (100 calories, 3.4 fat, 9.3 catbs, 1.5 fiber and 8.4 protein)

The tang of the blue cheese makes this soup!


1 pound tomatoes
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup skim milk
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 pinch salt
1 pinch cracked pepper
1 ounce blue cheese, shredded


  1. Cut tomatoes and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes, or until tender.
  2. Add remaining ingredients. Using a stick blender puree.
  3. Serve with additional blue cheese on top.

I actually had time to make this one before work – the tomatoes simmered while I did yesterday’s blog post.   I gave some to my co-worker with a sharp cheddar grilled cheese sandwich on the side, and she called me and said “if I could only eat this for every meal for the rest of my life, I’d be happy!”


412 calories, 44 carbs, 14.9 protein, 19 fat and 2.5 fiber


I didn’t like that picture, so I took another one this morning – make this soup – only 2 points!

I used to work with a really fun attorney – but she left the firm a few years ago.  Tony asked if I had talked to them lately, and I said no, so Tony sent her husband an email – we didn’t hear back from them, so I emailed her and she then asked if we wanted to get together for dinner last night – absolutely!

They have an adorable almost two year old daughter who was so fricken cute.  And so well behaved!  We were there probably two and a half hours – Tony and I both said our kids wouldn’t have lasted 15 minutes at that age!

We ate here:

So, here is where some of my 1000+ dinner came from:

And a place that has award winning chicken wings, I knew I wasn’t going to get a salad!


jalapeno chicken wings??!! Yes please!



1,025 calories, 40 carbs, 61 protein, 50 fat (nice!) .2 fiber


We had a great time! šŸ˜€

Stats for Friday:

  • 1835 calories, 90 carbs, 101 protein, 99 fat, 2.8 fiber
  • 49% of calories from fat
  • 45 minute walk with 2 pound weights

Not sure what’s on tap for today, other than the usual grocery shopping and chores – we’ll see!  Enjoy your Saturday!