I started out with my typical breakfast sammie on Thomas’ Everything bagel thin.  I cannot tell you how much I love these – all the flavor of a bagel, but without all the calories!  I had another orange on the side from my $1 bin, but this was more of a juice orange than a navel orange, so it made it a little more difficult to eat, but so juicy!

Breakfast: 309 calories, 41 carbs, 24 protein, 6.9 fat and 4.1 fiber

Lunch was Chili Mac – 3 ways – 1/2 cup cooke penne, 1 cup of my Cincinnati Chili, 1 oz. cheddar cheese and fresh jalapenos! 😀

I also had a side salad – mixed greens, cucumbers, fat free Italian dressing and 1/2 package of the best almonds!

I have Michelle at Lucky Taste Buds to thank for these – I recently won her giveaway!  The whole package is only 110 calories – I was going to just use half of the package on my salad, but then ended up eating them all – they were that good!

Lunch: 580 calories, 39 carbs, 43 protein, 28 fat and 9.4 fiber

The only thing I can say about dinner is that I was frazzled!   I was making pork chops and I wanted to make potato pancakes.  Well, I had to take the deep fryer downstairs, and bring up the food processor.  Only problem – I could not find the insert that let me use my shredder!

I looked everywhere, but it was no where to be found.  After looking for 15 minutes and going up and down stairs at least half a dozen times, I had to go Old School.  I am confident half of my readers have never seen anything like this before!

It sits on top of your bowl and you select the size you want.  Oh.my.God. this was a pain in the ass!  My arms were so tired just shredding 4 potatoes!  And all the while I kept thinking, “if I knew where that part was I could be done in 20 seconds!!”

they were good though! 😀

Luckily Tony took charge of the pork chops – he put lemon pepper seasoning on them and they were cooked to perfection – I cut off 4 ounces for my dinner – they were huge!

I also decided to make stuffed grilled zucchini.  I microwaved the zucchini whole, then cut it in half, took out some of the seeds and put in 1.25 ounces of goat cheese.  Tony rolled the cheese in his hands to get it to fit – thanks!

These were so good – the goat cheese already had seasoning in it – just called “fine herb” so not exactly sure what is in it, but so flavorful!

Dinner came in at 423 calories, 13.9 carbs, 45 protein, 8.2 fat and 3.2 fiber.  And Tony came through – I kept forgetting to replenish my office stock!

this will last me about a month! 😀

Stats for Wednesday:  45 minute walk at lunch with 2 pound weights!

Off to finish making my lunch – more Chicken Tikka Masala!!  Have a great Thursday!