It was a chilly morning yesterday – 43 degrees! I was rooting around trying to figure out what to make for breakfast when I decided on oatmeal. I don’t often have a jones for oats because you know I try to involve cheese in every meal, but it sounded good. I sauteed up one whole apple, 1/4 cup dried cranberries and cooked my 1/2 cup of oats and mixed it all together when I got to work. A sprinkle of 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds was a nice salty kick to an otherwise sweet breakfast. Breakfast came in at 7 points.
While it was on the chilly side for my lunch run, I had a mission. You see, I am a garage sale whore. If I had a bumper sticker it would say “I brake for garage sales!” I saw the sign when I was driving into work, and knew the subdivision was about a 10 minute run away, and then I would see how far it was from there.
You’ll know why I was interested in hitting up this particular garage sale – um, take a look at what the houses look like in this subdivision!
My plan was to run to the garage sale in about 15 minutes, look around for 15 minutes, then run back to my office. I kept following the pink signs!
The only problem? The pink signs kept going. . . and going . . .and going. Until the last sign I saw still had an arrow pointing ahead and said “upper pond.” I looked in the distance and faintly saw a pond and thought there was no way in hell I could keep going to find it – so I had to turn around and head back. I had no idea how far I had gone! I stopped my watch at 46:02 and figured I would use Map My Ride to see how far I actually ran. I was pleasantly surprised that I ran 4.25 miles! Not too shabby. I guess I am like a rabbit with a carrot – if you stick a “sale” sign up I’ll run for it!
Lunch was the last of my spicy tomato soup with balls – again with baby spinach mixed in. This bowl is 8 WW points.
Last night was taco night! I know I have a ton of blog readers who could have Mexican every day and never get sick of it. I had two corn tostadas, 3 ounces of taco meat, mini peppers and lettuce and had 1/2 a cup yellow saffron rice on the side – dinner comes in at 12 points.
I realized that Sunday is April 1, not Saturday so I plan on revealing my Operation Badass on Sunday. If I am technically able, I may be posting a video blog post on Sunday, but I am not sure I have the capability. 😀
Don’t forget to enter your BSI – Pasta entry! You have until Sunday, April 1 to enter. Just leave a comment on this post, or email me at
Any other garage sale fans like me?
Make it a great day!
Do you have Chiptole where you live? I think you’d like that a lot. The salads are great.
Aw man, too bad you couldn’t get to your “carrot!” They are so mean, starting the signs so far away. I love garage sales but haven’t gone in a long time due to my work schedule. I know a family who pretty much gets all their clothes at garage sales and they are some very well dressed people b/c they shop in neighborhoods like the one you run in.
I’m looking forward to your vlog!
I’m a garage sale/estate sale/flea market whore too…….. totally addicted!
I need to have a sale of my own, but my driveway is too steep and no place to turn around. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it! :0