Yep, me – the one that was on a bowling league and routinely bowled a 220?  My high score last night was 107!  We had such a great time!

First I started off with Katie’s migas – although I modified it a bit for one serving and for what I had on hand.  I really loved the corn tortilla with the eggs!

First I started to Pam fry the eggs – here’s one thing I would change – they got pretty crispy, but obviously once I added the egg mixture, they got soft again – next time I think I’ll set them crispy tortilla to the side and garnish with it.

While that was crisping up, I grated 1/2 an ounce of Kerrygold aged cheddar – it even looks like butter!

You then add the salsa in the last step – I used my salsa verde from two nights ago.

Another thing I did was only use one egg and 1/4 cup egg whites to cut down the calories.  Breakfast comes in at 316 calories, 44 carbs, 14.7 protein, 10.5 fat and 4.9 fiber.

My friend and I walked for 45 minutes at lunch – it was so nice out I only had a t-shirt on!  It’s funny how you think that 55 degrees is balmy!  The only problem with this time of year is that as everything melts, the ground is still partly frozen and the water sits in pools because it has no where else to go.

I treated my other boss to the chicken tikka masala.  When I came into his office he said “that chicken dish was awesome!”  I really liked using my naan like a tortilla chip! 😀

My lunch - 592 calories, 59 carbs, 50 protein, 16 fat and 2.3 fiber

After work Tony and Hannah picked me up from work and we headed to Pinstripes to celebrate my early birthday with my step-son Joe – he works in the same mall, so that was convenient!

I cannot say enough good things about this place!  Not sure if Pinstripes is just a Chicagoland thing, but if you have the opportunity to go I wouldn’t miss it.

First of all – you relax on leather couches!

Then Joe arrived – every time I take a picture of our kids I am like “oh, this is my favorite one of you two so far!”

S0 one game of bowling is $7 per person and the shoe rental is $4 for the night.  On Tuesday nights, if you bowl or play bace, the burgers are only $2!  Mara, did you hear that – only two dollar burgers!

that includes the fries!

Tony and I, however, went with their Dinner on the Fly Menu – we both had a jones for fried chicken, and somewhere I read that calories don’t count the whole week of your birthday!

So I ate one breast (skin and all!), one chicken wing, all of the mashed potatoes, some of the kids fries and three Bud lights.  Dinner comes in at 1,069 calories, 73 carbs, 45 protein, 40 fat and 3.5 fiber.

We ended up bowling three games (except for Tony who doesn’t bowl!) – Hannah picked up one round and then Joe picked up a game for him and Hannah – we are all pretty tired by the end – thanks family for a great night out!

Some action shots:

See Hannah's foot like that? Whenever she bowled like that - she got a strike! However, her next time would be gutter balls - I've never seen anything like it!

Joe's stlye is just throw the ball hard - although a few times he didn't use the finger holes and just spun it down the lane - it worked some of the time!

No wonder I sucked - look at how far back I am from the line?!

Joe was the winner in all the games!

Just wanted to prove I broke 100!

Stats for Tuesday:  45 minute walk with my co-worker.  Not surprising, my grade wasn’t too good for the day – it was too high in fat, cholesterol and sodium, and too low in fiber, calcium and iron.  But you know what?  I was still under 2000 calories for the day – the old me would have had 1000 per meal – so I am not going to sweat it.

Okay, still behind in making my food ahead of time!  We got back from bowling and I touched up the bathroom walls.  Oh, and word to the wise, if you are not technical, don’t try to tackle things you don’t know!  Case in point – Hannah and I tried to put together the shower caddy for the bathroom – we thought “hey, there are not a lot of parts, we can do this!”  Um, after about 20 minutes of us trying and both of us wanting to throw it out the window, Tony came to the rescue – turns out one of the poles was too long to fit in our tub – a quick use of his saw and we were in business, installed in about 5 minutes.  Thanks Tony!

Our exchange student comes tomorrow! Oh – good news too!  Foodbuzz chose me as one of the 24/24/24 blogs this month!  My proposal was to have a pizza party with the exchange students to have an informal setting to get to know each other – I am curious to see what type of stereotypes German’s have of American’s!  Stay tuned – the pizza party will be March 27 and will be posted on Marcy 28.

Okay, really running late – Happy St. Patty’s Day!