Whew – two weeks in a row without party pizza Friday!  I didn’t even ask Tony what he wanted for dinner – I only asked him what he wanted on his side of the pizza! 😀

Last weekend I baked a bunch of potatoes to make potato skins for the Superbowl.  We never ended up making them with everything else we had, so I’ve enjoyed potato hash most morning this week.  Yesterday I had 1 small baked potato, 1 egg, chopped spinach, red pepper and turkey pepperoni – it was so good!  I also had a slice of rye toast on the side that wasn’t photographed.

And lunch was the very last of my Buffalo Chicken Chili – I need to make another batch of this soon!  I had two cups, 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese and 1/2 ounce tortilla chips with fresh sliced jalapenos!

the perfect bite!

As soon as I got home (well after giving Tony kisses!) and made my Chicago Style pizza dough.  I really love the corn meal in the dough!  Last night I only let this rest about 20 minutes before rolling it out.

Biz’s Deep Dish Pizza Dough

  • 3 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
  • 1.5 teaspoons sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons yeast
  • 1 1/4 cup warm water (room temperature is fine)
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon oil (for the bowl when rising)

Put the flour, cornmeal, salt, sugar and yeast in your stand mixer with dough hook.  Add the water and butter and let the machine knead it for about 5 minutes.  Add to a bowl with olive oil and let rest for 30 minutes.

I forgot I had these! Definitely sliced some up for my side!
my ingredients: pepperoncini, turkey pepperoni, spinach, basil, red pepper and fresh jalapenos
Tony's side has sausage, green olive and mushroom

Baked at 425 – I cook my dough for 5-7 minutes before adding the toppings – this gets a crispy crust!  17 minutes later it was done!

FYI - this pizza is 1/2 of the pizza dough recipe
the crust is perfect!
I had this slice x 3

I may just make breakfast pizza this morning! 😀

Stats for Friday:

I am going to ignore the sodium - yikes - over 3000!

It’s a beautiful day today – even if it is cold.  I can handle the cold as long as the sun is shining!

Plans for today:

Hugs go out to my friend Steve – he lost his Dad to a sudden heart attack a few days ago.  Life is short – make today count!

Still time to enter my amazing giveaway!  Have a great Saturday! 😀