to be a morning person! I need to get to the gym in the morning to add strength training to my routine. Luckily, I have the lovely Janetha as my coach – whether she knows it or not! I’ve printed out some of her workouts to do as soon as hit publish, I am out the door!
Breakfast was a black bean/red pepper/egg beater burrito with delicious blackberries on the side! Breakfast comes in at 310 calories, 40 carbs, 26 protein, 6.9 at and 18.9 fiber!! 😀
I tested my blood sugar before our 45 minute walk and it was 136 – I need it to be a bit higher so I don’t crash, so I ate half of an orange. Am I the only one who eats an orange like this??
It was a good thing I did, because it was 54 when we got back!! For lunch I adapted a version of Alison’s Peanut Soba Noodle Chicken Salad:
Soba Noodle Chicken Salad (printer friendly version here)
Makes 1 serving: 346 calories, 34 carbs, 33 protein, 8.5 fat and 3.0 fiber
Salad Ingredients
3 | ounce chicken breast |
2 | ounces carrot |
3 | ounces cucumber |
1 | ounce baby spinach |
2.2 | ounce cooked soba noodles |
Dressing Ingredients
1 | tablespoon rice vinegar |
1/2 | teaspoon sesame oil |
1 | teaspoon soy sauce |
1 | teaspoon honey |
2 | teaspoons Thai chili sauce |
1 | teaspoon peanut butter |
1/2 | Teaspoon sriracha hot sauce |
2 | tablespoons hot water |
Poach chicken. Let cool. Chop vegetables and chicken and toss with my soba noodle dressing.

chopped up my veg and chicken, then tossed in dressing - I did this the night before, so the flavors were really strong delicious! On the side I had 1/2 a container of Chobani with honey and 1/2 an apple. Lunch comes in at 486 calories, 61 carbs, 42 protein, 9.7 fat and 6 fiber.
It was a gorgeous day to grill!
I had steak, grilled zucchini and I baked some potatoes.
My plate: 5.5 ounce baked potato, with 1 tbsp. I can’t believe its not butter, zucchini with balsamic dressing and3 ounces of steak. Dinner comes in at 384 caloires, 42 carbs, 32 protien, 10.8 fat and 7.2 fiber.
My blood sugar was on the low side, so I had these snacks. It was still low so I ended up eating 3 squares of the bacon chocolate!! It was a crisis – luckily I had it on hand! 😀 I won these snacks from Michelle 😀
Then I had another apple – this type is called Pacific Rose – so sweet!
The verdict of the bacon chocolate? It’s good – it has crunchy bits of bacon, but the dark chocolate overpowers the bacon – still, while I wouldn’t search it out again, I wouldn’t kick it out of bed for eating crackers! My snacks for the day came in at 409 calories, 49 carbs, 5.5 protein, 25 fat and 7.8 fiber.
And I won more loot! I won Natasha of 5-Star Foodie’s National Garlic giveaway and came home to these wonderful products: Thanks Natasha and New York Style!
Stats for Monday:
- 20 minute Yoga for beginners
- 15 minutes Yoga abs
- 45 minute walk at lunch
- 10 minute walk with dog after dinner
- 1,589 calories, 192 carbs, 105 protein, 52 fat and 40 fiber! 😀
I got an A! 😀 Off to hit the gym!! Are you a morning person – have you always been?
When I was at Whole Foods, I had a choice between the milk chocolate and the dark chocolate bacon bar and went with the milk chocolate. I felt that the dark chocolate would overpower the bacon as well. I was not disappointed! The chocolate was smooth and sweet and the bacon was a salty and chewy delight! This summer I’m going to be taking a trip to Voodoo Donuts in Oregon for some Bacon Maple Bars that I saw on their website! 🙂
bacon chocolate sounds good! I’m glad to see you got the garlic snacks – enjoy!!!
You are so brave to be doing Janetha’s workouts! That girl is crazy strong. Sounds like you will be too soon! Awesome!
I am definitely NOT a morning person. In fact, most mornings I get up, there is a silence period for the first half hour while I mellow out. I can’t handle doing anything other than drink coffee for that time!
eugh, i used to be a morning person, but when i have issues sleeping i get away from it. need to get back on track 🙂 fabulous day of eats, can i have a piece of that bacon chocolate? 🙂
i so wish i was a morning person too! i feel like i try every day, but gosh i could sleep in till noon if i was allowed.
that soba noodle salad looks awesome, the flavors in there are rockin!
awe. i am flattered! you are such a babe. SO.. you have to help ME train to be a morning person! i am trying but it is so hard! what are your tips? great job on the A grade! i have said it before and ill say it again, i LOVE the way you eat!
Wow-your steak looks so yummy. I love steak on the grill especially when the weather is nice. I’ve wanted to try that chocolate bacon bar forever now. I love Vosges chocolates, but they are a little pricey so it’s for really special occasions.
That’s for sure! The bar I bought was $4.99 – I didn’t realize it until I got home!
The morning workout always starts the day off right. You can make it work and you’ll feel great!
I’m definitely not a morning person, but when I wake up to a warm breakfast (this pretty much only happens on Thanksgiving and Christmas), it puts me in a much better mood!
I am going to have to go with a morning person. I have a hard time sleeping in when I feel like I could be doing something else. I do sleep in later on the weekends but during the week, I need to be up early. I especially like to get a good workout in before the afternoon hits or I start coming up with excuses as to why I don’t have to go.
And seriously, can you please come cook at my house por favor! The food you make looks so delicious all the time.
I am a morning person, but I can also be a night person. I love when I get up early because I feel so productive by mid-day, but on the weekends I love to stay up late.
I love the breakfast burrito. I saw that candy bar a few weeks ago, and I don’t eat meat, but I was curious. Thanks for the review. Looks like you got some nice goodies in the mail too.
I am not a morning person but circumstances (early morning races, workouts, WORK) force me to be. Still, on Sunday mornings, you will find me in bed for as long as I want!
Your lunch? YUM!
Good luck with your strength training – don’t overdo it, or you will not be able to move your arms enough to cook your delicious meals!
YAY you for doing some Yoga!!!!!! AND for getting up in the morning to workout =) AND for being so active! you should pat yourself on the back lol
Nope not a morning person but good luck to you. I wish I was a morning person maybe some day I’ll give it a try too lol.
Definitely not a morning person. Golf was the only thing that got me up early with no complaints 🙂
Thank you for visiting my blog!! I completely enjoyed yours and now I have to read more. I loaded a calorie counting app on my iTouch and it was a huge eye opening experience.
Hello and welcome! Yes, please add me and I will do the same so that I can see your delicious postings in a timely manner. I’m always on the search for tasty and healthier recipes. We live about 40 miles southeast of Chicago. I’d say it’s just about perfect. I can be in the loop in about an hour if the traffic is with me. We love to go in to shop at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Fox and Obel and to eat at many favorite restaurants.
See you soon!
I am so not a morning person. Andy is since he’s a teacher and has to be up at 5:30 every morning. If I was left to my own devices, I’d sleep in till 10am!
Wow! That noodle chicken salad looks excellent! Where do you find your soba noodles?! It looks like restaurant quality, biz!!
I’m not a morning person. Never have been although I wouldn’t be against it if I became that way! I’m such a grouch in the a.m.
Actually they are called “yaki soba” noodles and I found them at my local Asian grocery store – you have to check labels – this recipe has half a package – and all those noodles you see are only 75 calories!
I was never a morning person until about 2 years ago when I switched my workout time to morning before work. Now this girl is up at 5am everyday…and I can honestly say I have been converted to a morning person now. My body is so used to it now I get up at 5am without an alarm anymore. Biggest benefit has been I hardly ever miss a workout cause I get it taken care of before I really have a chance to get distracted by something else. So you really can train yourself it just takes time and being consistent with it.
I am a morning person, except in the dead of winter, when the sun doesn’t come out until 8:30 I have a hard time focusing etc. I only sleep in once in a blue moon. BUT I’m also a late night person, for me its the middle of the day that I am dead on my feet, I need to learn to nap and I would be much better off.
I’m a big morning person. I can’t even sleep past 6 or 7am on a weekend. I don’t work out in the morning, but I love hanging out in the garden as the dew is drying and the beams from the sun show off the morning fog. It’s so peaceful in the early morning.
Why am I reading your blog with a governor of California accent now…
but don’t worry, love the food recipes and inspiration so…
I’ll be back!
I am NOT a morning person, but once upon a time I was…and then I got old and tired!
I’ve been in denial for a while, but now I admit it. I’m a morning person. Even on the weekends, I don’t sleep much past 8. But i am a champion napper!
Another reason I like you so much B!
I love that all of those items you won are GARLIC flavored in some way, shape or form!
I am naturally a night owl but I’ve trained myself to be a morning person. I’ve come to love my early morning me time, it’s just enough to get myself together before my son gets up. He’s naturally an early riser (he never sleeps past 615), so I get up between 5 and 515!
ughhhh…I wish I was a morning person so much! Okay, I am once I’ve been up for about 5-10 minutes. But I’ve NEVER been one to spring up out of bed. 🙂 However, I LOVE to get up early. There’s something about getting up and accomplishing things before others wake up! I reserve the right to drink loads of caffeine on these occasions.
Yep, pretty much always been a morning person, but it’s so evident this semester since I don’t have anything before 11 Mon-Fri and I’m still up at 7 or 8 everyday 🙂
Morning people unite! I’m a total morning person. I love waking up early and getting a start to the day. Particularly with a good breakfast and some exercise 😀
For some reason, I’ve always been a morning person….but that means I’m so tired at like 9:00 at night!
I sleep until the last second! can’t get up early at all!
Around the time my daughter got to junior high, suddenly we were running her around every evening to something, It was interfering big time with my exercise. So I swapped to mornings. Been doing early mornings ever since. In fact, I’m so used to it I find it difficult to exercise in the evening, unless someone is barking orders at me (like my Thai Boxing) but even then my energy level is so low! I just find by getting it out of the way in the morning, I’m sure to get it in – nothing can interfere. As for being a morning person, hmmm not so sure about that. I think if I didn’t work, I’d still exercise in the morning, it would just be later than 4:30 am!!
I’m kind of a morning person? I think it depends on the season for me.
love that lunch!
Excellent meals! I love the burrito! I make those often too but usually for lunch or dinner. The bacon chocolate sounds interesting.
I eat my oranges that way too. 🙂
I am definitely a morning person. I hate waking up late, I always wake up with an headache and with the feeling I wasted the day!