Okay, so I am not going to break any records, but I mapped out my run with my car the other day, so I knew where my one mile turn around point was.  I did two miles in exactly 26 minutes!

It’s funny though, as soon as I saw my “finish” line, I instinctively started to sprint!  I was an anchor sprinter in high school, so it must have just kicked in!

I checked my blood sugar around noon, knowing I would be running at 1.  It was 101.  So my friend R. from work gave me an Asian apple and I had that with 1/3 cup cottage cheese, and took no insulin.  Before I left it was 143 – perfect!  I wrapped up two glucose tabs in foil and put them in my shoe just in case though!  When I got back my BS was a perfect 120.

It was really crisp and juicy!
It was really crisp and juicy!

IT’S BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE!!!  I find I run better when I look forward instead of looking at the ground.  The first 5 minutes are usually rough and its a battle to keep going.  But I had my imaginary Jillian yelling at me to not stop!


  • 1 turkey cheddar brat
  • handful of spinach
  • low carb wrap
  • lots of MUSTARD
  • individual broccoli with cheese sauce
  • 3 ounce carrots
  • 1 ounces pepper strips
  • 1 tablespoon ranch dressing
  • taco soup (STILL TWO MORE TO GO! – can’t wait because I want to make something different!)
  • mango tea
455 calories, 23 fat, 8.8 fiber, 30 carbs, 34 protein
455 calories, 23 fat, 8.8 fiber, 30 carbs, 34 protein

BIGGEST LOSER:  Did anyone watch the second half last night?

Ed and Heba were below the yellow line, and they chose for Heba to stay so she could get healthy to get pregnant (they are newlyweds!).  Ed got sent home and has since lost 85 pounds in 4 months!  He looks awesome!  I hope Heba keeps it up on the ranch to keep up!

Looking foward to Kath & Kim tonight – I love Thursday night t.v.! 

See you at dinner. . .