Wow, thanks for all the suggestions on how to get a better nights sleep. But with all your ideas, no one recommended this, which is what I did!
Yep, I took the easy way out and had a bit of wine before bed. My Mom did suggest Sleepy Time over the counter sleep aids, but I forgot to pick some up on my way home. I was asleep in about 30 seconds! I feel great this morning too. 😀
My breakfast and lunch was pretty much a repeat of yesterday – instead I had my eggs in a corn tortilla and had a 60 calorie yogurt with fresh blueberries on the side:
I actually felt like running yesterday at lunch. My blood sugar was at 102, so I decided to have a pre-run snack. Probably not the best choice, but it did the trick!
I should have insomnia more often (kidding!) because I ran my fastest 5k on the treadmill yesterday – 39:01! While I know I am not going to be breaking any records soon, I was pretty happy with that time. And I got an idea for a dinner next week – of course I watch FoodTV while I work out – Rachael Ray had a Greek inspired meal that looked delicious – I’ll have to make a different side dish because Tony doesn’t like feta, but keep a look out for it next week! 😀
I had the last of my Mexican lasagna – yesterday’s picture was a bit better! With veggies with salsa/sour cream dip:

Who’s totally in love with all the great recipes in the Jan/Feb Cooking Light?? They had a recipe for beer battered fish tacos with mango salsa that looked amazing. I took that idea and cheated!

These were so crunchy out of the oven! While I am sure its only 10% fish, these were really tasty!

I heated up some leftover Chinese food rice for a side dish – I ended up just adding about 2 tablespoons to each taco – its just 1/2 cup queso and 1/2 cup salsa mixed with the rice.
I love Mexican food – as you can tell by my whole day of food! But tortilla chips are like crack to me 🙁
Gotta scoot – I am making whole wheat blueberry pancakes for breakfast – have a great day – two more work days til the weekend!
As a college student, who is on a diet, with a limited budget… I can’t tell you how good your food looks. My mouth has literally been watering as I’ve been catching up on your posts! I love to cook, so the recipes (and pictures) are inspiring me to cook more 🙂
I hope this post works, I’m not really sure how this all works yet 🙂 Have a great friday!
p.s. GOD love you for counting the tortilla chips.. I think i lose count after 60 😉
You are too cute Emily! Um, for the record, I may have STOPPED counting at 30! 😀
Yep, wine works every time!!
great run!!! woot! Wine makes me so sleepy too, but I can’t believe you felt fine the next day, usually it comes back to bite for me even with a glass 🙂 Your Mexican lasagna looks wonderful! have a great weekend!
I have been having such a hard time sleeping lately, too. I’ve started going through the alphabet, naming animals that start with a, b, c etc and then cities and then – well you get the picture :). But wine would be a good way to go.
Now what kind of a message is that to send out to the world… you need to get sh*tfaced to sleep??? Besides, whiskey works faster…
nic e job on the run
I agree about the chips and salsa. I just can’t be trusted around them!
Your food looks so yummy. I swear I get hungry reading blogs!!
Great job on your run 🙂
Great job on the 5k Biz!! You rock!
I told J about the Mexican lasagna last night and we’re both pumped to try it. That means we’ll have Mexican 3 times this week, but neither of us mind!! haha
We had those beer battered guys a few weeks ago! I never thought to make it in a fish taco!!! I love fish tacoes!
Thanks for the blogroll update – I like the way you worded it…and YES, I am a little confused myself on my blog name!
Tortilla chips are like crack to me too! I just try to stay away from them because I can’t control myself haha 😉 Glad the vino helped you sleep and way to rock out the run! Josh isn’t a feta fan either. I always sub in mozzarella in its place.
I keep looking through it (CL) thinking Ooooooh, I’m going to make that & you know what happens…I menu plan & completely forget about all my good intentions to try some of those recipes.
I am going to try the fish taco cheat w/the fish sticks though. I found one recipe where the fish wasn’t fried…I want to say they poached it in a spicy broth??…but if I’m going to put fish in a taco for my husband it will have to be fried, lol. i can’t remember where I found the recipe, but I’m going to try making a cilantro slaw to go with the fish.
Hope your pancakes were good!
Go on Rachael Ray – she had a recipe for fish tacos and an avocado cilantro sauce that sounded amazing!
I’m with you on the tortilla chips-they are like crack to me too!
That is definitely one way to get to sleep faster!! I’m so impressed by your 5K time! Go girl!!
When I have trouble falling asleep I watch some infomercial on tv – that does it every time!
Congrats on your 5K time! That is awesome!!!
At first glance I thought your rice concoction was a slice of cake (wishful thinking?)!
Awesome 5K time!!! You are speedy, lady!!!
is it bad that I knew that was a bottle of yellowtail before I even scrolled down? It’s my fave wine! lol
I had a glass of Yellow Tail Shiraz last night, too. Does help going to sleep!
I have never read Cooking Light, but I might start!
CookingLight is one of my favorite magazines for sure!
A good night’s sleep can make everything seem a little bit better can’t it? Wine, sadly, doesn’t work for me, it usually makes me have weird dreams which means I wake up feeling like I’ve been so busy I haven’t slept.
Great job on that 5K. When are you going to run a race?
WAHOO!!! Congratulations on your fastest 5K ever! That is awesome time!
Congrats on the run! Good job! 🙂
I’ve never had authentic mexican food.. It’s not as big here as I imagine it to be in the States.