It’s time to face the music people!  Those extra handfuls of Chex Mix, nachos and pizza, not to mention the wine have caught up with me!  I can’t help but think if I had just done 45 minutes of exercise each day, I could have offset some of the extra things I ate!  While I am disappointed in myself, there is no looking back, only forward! 😀

Yesterday I didn’t get up until 10:30, so Tony made me a late breakfast:

About 500 calories

Joe came over to watch football and Tony made the best pasta sauce!  While I wasn’t hungry when the boys ate lunch, about 2:30 I was really hungry, so I tried a new pasta I found at the store – only $1 a box!

I was confused though, because the serving size said 2 ounces (which was 1/7 of the box) , so I weighed out 2 ounces.  However, in the cooking directions, it said for once serving use 1/4 of the box?  I stuck with the 2 ounces dry, and it really didn’t seem like that much after I cooked it!  Maybe two ounces cooked? Either way – the 2 ounce dry was only 170 calories and 6 grams of fiber! 😀

About 370 calories

I had tons of leftover turkey breast, and when I googled “leftover turkey” I came up with a Hot Brown Sandwich.  Have you ever heard of that?   It’s basically an open face turkey sandwich with cheese sauce and bacon.  Below is my version.  I used reduced fat cheddar cheese and skim milk for my sauce – I may have had about 1/2 cup between my sammie and broccoli.  Yes, everything tastes better with cheese! 😀

I baked the bread and cheese for about 10 minutes at 350, just to toast the bread and warm the turkey

Then made my plate – 2 ounces of bread, 2 ounces turkey, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup cheese and two slices of center cut bacon:

Because I used sharp cheddar, I only used 6 ounces to 2 cups of milk
I love adding crushed red pepper to broccoli!

So I’ve decided that I am going to take it one day at a time.  Goals for today?

  • 45 minutes of exercise
  • 80 ounces of water
  • no wine with dinner!  (that doesn’t mean I can’t have wine before bed though – kidding!) 😀

Thanks for everyone’s comments on my last post – with your continued support I know I can do this!  Happy Monday! 😀