Hannah had this song on her iPod (I actually almost typed eyepod!) while we were driving to lunch on Sunday. This was the song that they played at the end of the last episode of Jon & Kate + 8. I liked the acoustic version though. I loved the lyrics!
This is the moment
It’s on the line
Which way you gonna fall?
In the middle between
Wrong and right
But you know after all
It’s your life
What you gonna do?
The world is watching you
Every day the choices you make
Say what you are and who
Your heart beats for
It’s an open door
It’s your life
Are you who you always said you would be?
With a sinking feeling in your chest
Always waiting for someone else to fix you
Tell me when did you forget
To live the way that you believe
This is your opportunity
To let your life be one that lights the way
I read Jen’s post yesterday. I loved how at the end of her post she said “2010 is the Year of Jen!” Well any long time readers will know that last year I declared 2009 as mine and since I don’t have a rhyming name like Jen, I decided that 2010 is WHEN! I know I have push myself harder to get to where I want to be. And it’s not even a particular weight I am striving for – its to feel and be healthy so I can be around for my family. While the weight is slow to leave, I know the RD’s and fellow diabetics will appreciate this number!

How cool is that? I think Pubsgal and Foodie will be happy with those numbers too! 😀
Breakfast was completely insulin worthy! My friend Mel made me chocolate chip scones from Cooking Light Magazine – holy cow these were amazing Mel!! I love scones – the first scone I ever had was at Starbucks, and it was their cinnamon chip one – I dipped this bad boy into my coffee and it was so good! Thanks Mel! On the side I had a kiwi and a fiber one peach yogurt. Not a huge fan of the yogurt – I am so used to Greek yogurt that this was overly sweet – I ended up eating a few spoonfuls.
Lunch was wonton soup from the wontons I made out of leftover Chinese food! There is no real recipe to this, I just kept throwing things into the mix: 2 cups low sodium chicken broth, broccoli, radish, dried red chilis, spinach, carrots, sliced jalapeno and 8 of the wontons. And even though the broth looks like dirty dish water – it was nice and spicy!

Dinner was pork chops, scalloped potatoes and green beans – I was the only one who had sauerkraut – no one else in my family likes it. I love it so much I can basically eat it out of the can! I thought Allison would get a kick out of my seasoning for my pork chop!

My pork chop weighed in at 12 ounces! So I only at 1/3 of it, 1/2 cup scalloped potatoes, green beans, and not pictured was a cup of sauerkraut. 😀
On tap for lunch today is a vegetarian Mexican lasagna – something even Marissa can make! The best part is that 1/4 of this casserole is only 295 calories! You’ll have to come back tomorrow for the recipe. Also on tap for dinner is Shrimp Scampi with homemade spinach pasta – hope it works out! This is the finished product:

So while I struggle to make good choices, I am going to make today a good day – one day at a time. You can’t move forward looking in the rear view mirror.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to make this amazing grilled cheese sandwich with short ribs (sans the onions!) from the cover of Bon Appetit I got in the mail yesterday! Look at all that melty cheese! 😀
Yeah, the short rib grilled cheese looks like it would be so worth the calories!
What an awesome #! Hubby is diabetic but still only on pills (I hope he never goes to needles because he is the biggest baby) and I wish I could get him to check his blood more often!
Thanks for the link and I am so glad you like my slogan! I have a few chicks at my WW meeting who are calling me Jillian – because I am inspiring them and when I told them 2010 is the year of Jen they are changing their names to Jen (LMAO!) I am going to tell them about yours!
2010 is the year WHEN…..
when what?!?! Have you decided what will happen WHEN?
I love that you are not looking to weigh a certain # but want to be healthy!! ME TOO!!
This is our year!! WE CAN DO IT!! WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!
much love!
Hi Biz!
Woo hooo!!! That 14-day average is FANTASTIC!!! So happy for you!
Thanks for checking on me. I’m fine but super busy lately. We’ve gotten involved with school politics lately; school board is considering closing our school due to budget cuts, so we’ve been going to all the hearings. Quite the little time sink, that!
you know you did me proud 🙂
Biz, invite me over when you make that amazing grilled cheese sandwich!! Hee hee!
Btw, I loved what you said here: “You can’t move forward looking in the rear view mirror.” So true!
I wish I had a friend that would make me Chocolate Chip Scones! I need new friends lol
Yay! The Mexican casserole looks great! 😀
I see that Frank’s hot sauce hiding in the back!
You would appreciate this — there’s this ad for Frank’s hot sauce that’s been airing on one of the radio stations here in Atlanta. The tag line? “I put that s*** on everything!” 🙂
Love it! 😀
im reading that bon appetit right now!! love that mag!
chocolate chip scones sound SO AMAZING!
What an inspirational song!! Mmmmmm, scones!! I haven’t indulged in one in way too long!! Need to change that! 😉
mmm your wonton soup is making me hungry!
The Bizzy gets Busy in 10! You go girl. The scones are wonderful looking and I have to laugh when I see your hot sauce, you sure do love the stuff. I would be under the table in one bite!
Glad that you liked the scones… I think that I will have to make another batch, as J cannot stop talking about them since Sunday. Good thing that they are easy to make!
Your breakfast looks so pretty! I was thinking of making scones again yesterday! Last time I made them I used your trick of freezing and shaving the butter, they were so flaky and delicious.
Dinner looks delicious! I love the cheesy potatoes.
Speaking of diabetes, I was just reading a story in Guideposts about a cross-country skiier. He found out he had diabetes when he was 20 and kept hitting a wall in training. He’s now 29 and managing it w/ diet, drs, trainers, and an insulin pump in his arm. He’s going to be in the Vancouver olympics and if he wins he will be the first diabetic to win a medal for an endurance sport! There’s one swimmer w/ diabetes who’s won medals, but just for the dashes.
Wow – that’s an amazing story! thanks Christina! 😀
great attitude, i like that phrase, you don’t get anywhere by looking in the rearview mirror! i love the song too!
I love how you said your broth looks like dirty dish water! Ha! The pepper would be too spicey for me, but it looks great though.
I don’t remember that song from the last episdoe of John & Kate + 8? I like it though!
Love your 2010 slogan! And your attitude that it’s not just about losing weight. It’s about feeling and being healthy. Your food looks healthy and delicious.
“it’s not even a particular weight I am striving for – its to feel and be healthy so I can be around for my family” <— I cant agree with you more regarding that statement, mostly because I dont know at exactly which number that is for me, but i know it when i get there – and so will you! =)
gonna be a great year for all… just keep on doing what you do and you will be successful
Good grief, why is it that I always seem to land on your blog just before lunch? My stomach is growling now.
Mmmm, dirty dish water…coming from your kitchen, I would eat it! But holy hell woman, aren’t those little red peppers in your soup the kind that make grown men cry at Chinese restaurants?!?
That would be correct! That’s why Tony says I have no tastebuds left – I’ve burned them all off! 😀
Grilled cheese has always been my comfort food…and add some soup and it’s pure love!
Your breakfast looks so good – I just said to my husband last night, I’m craving a kiwi! I hope I can find some good ones at the store.