It’s time to face the music people! Those extra handfuls of Chex Mix, nachos and pizza, not to mention the wine have caught up with me! I can’t help but think if I had just done 45 minutes of exercise each day, I could have offset some of the extra things I ate! While I am disappointed in myself, there is no looking back, only forward! 😀
Yesterday I didn’t get up until 10:30, so Tony made me a late breakfast:

Joe came over to watch football and Tony made the best pasta sauce! While I wasn’t hungry when the boys ate lunch, about 2:30 I was really hungry, so I tried a new pasta I found at the store – only $1 a box!
I was confused though, because the serving size said 2 ounces (which was 1/7 of the box) , so I weighed out 2 ounces. However, in the cooking directions, it said for once serving use 1/4 of the box? I stuck with the 2 ounces dry, and it really didn’t seem like that much after I cooked it! Maybe two ounces cooked? Either way – the 2 ounce dry was only 170 calories and 6 grams of fiber! 😀
I had tons of leftover turkey breast, and when I googled “leftover turkey” I came up with a Hot Brown Sandwich. Have you ever heard of that? It’s basically an open face turkey sandwich with cheese sauce and bacon. Below is my version. I used reduced fat cheddar cheese and skim milk for my sauce – I may have had about 1/2 cup between my sammie and broccoli. Yes, everything tastes better with cheese! 😀

Then made my plate – 2 ounces of bread, 2 ounces turkey, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup cheese and two slices of center cut bacon:

So I’ve decided that I am going to take it one day at a time. Goals for today?
- 45 minutes of exercise
- 80 ounces of water
- no wine with dinner! (that doesn’t mean I can’t have wine before bed though – kidding!) 😀
Thanks for everyone’s comments on my last post – with your continued support I know I can do this! Happy Monday! 😀
Always look forward. It’s so true. What’s done is done, so what can you do next? 🙂 It’s the only way.
Sorry – hit the button before I was ready!!
Enjoy the fresh start and good luck! I know you will do it!!
much love,
Biz, you got this!! and I know exactly how you feel!! I mean damn! I knew I ate too much but that much!! OY! it almost hurt to see my scale!
I love your positive attitude. You can do this….with all that delicious food that comes out of your kitchen. This week is a new week.
it was fun to catch up on your blog. i’m short too, and that’s the same weight range i need to be in. i started my diet yesterday and it’s killing me. here’s to a great new year, your food all looks wonderful!
I love broc + crushed red pepper! I just wrote a blog post and I totally thought of you while writing it!
I like your goals! (Especially “no wine with dinner!”) 🙂 The hot brown sandwiches and the broccoli look awesome!
yeah, i definitely went into the holidays with the idea of eating better but went out to eat one too many times and drank one too many bottles of wine. that said, i had a fabulous time with family and friends and it’s always somewhat easier to eat cleaner and greener come january, no?? i think so anyway 🙂
80 ounces wow, that’s a lot! Happy New Year!!
No worries! You’ll get those pounds off in no time at all! 😉 Many, many people have a few pounds to lose after the holidays, so no biggie. You’re doing great by getting right back on track!! 🙂
I get so confused when cooking pasta!! I never know what to count and how to count it!!!
I think it’s a great accomplishment to have only gained about 5 lbs over the holidays! True, it’s a bump in the road, but at least it’s a *small* bump! With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, not to mention the seasonal goodies, 5 lbs. doesn’t seem like a lot to me! 🙂 Just a minor setback – you’ll still accomplish your goal!
I’ve never heard of the hot brown, but it does sound good! Bacon and cheese sauce!? Mmm mmm deeelicious! I love the pic of your pasta!
The holidays are now behind us. I love your saying-time to look forward!
I weighed in the other day and cried! Gained back so much weight that I worked so hard to lose and was pretty down about it but I just posted my 2010 goals and am going back to the gym for spin class tonight so hopefully I just get right back into it. Want to watch my portions and keep up with my water in take.
Love spaghetti, yours looked yummy!
I think that’s what I am going to do to. Just try to do the best I can every day and then they will add up!
I think it was the Chex Party mix that did it in for me too!
Glad to see I’m not the only one who has problems trying to figure out calories in pasta. Btw, Tony’s sauce looks plate-mopping good!
Well, that was a sucky weigh-in. Hopefully it’s your last bad one for the year! Your plan for today sounds very motivating – three simple things that will make a difference. Good luck today!
Crushed red pepper added to anything is delish 🙂
My Weigh in has been bad too but this a fresh start and we will be okay!
Why the #%$@^ does the weight have to come on so quick?! It really is amazing, isn’t it? But you’re right – looking forward is the only way to go! I know it’ll be off in no time for you 🙂
That hot brown looks fantastic! I love that you show people that they can eat delicious, drool-worthy food and still lose weight! You NEED to write a cookbook!!!
yeap, there are a lot of us planning on cutting back and reupping our dedication… One holiday season does not a lifestyle make
Looking forward to a fresh start here, too! I need to get back to the dreaded gym…
I just discovered that Ronzoni Smart Taste pasta and I love it! I never feel like a portion is enough for me, but that might be because I could eat half a box of pasta all by myself. Gimme that and some wine… ok I won’t go there. Good job getting back on track!
Only looking forward and taking it one day at a time are two keys to success – you can do it 🙂