A giveaway that is!  Kerstin at Cake, Batter and Bowl picked my name – now I have chocolates to put out over the holidays – thanks Kerstin!



I got a kick out of the nutritional label!


Breakfast was a 4.5 ounce potato, 3 ounces diced lean beef from last nights dinner, with a fried egg on top.  Surprisingly, NO CHEESE!


Later in the morning I was sharing my homemade marshmallows at work, and decided to add one to my cappuccino – I actually didn’t eat it, but it looked pretty!


My workout co-worker Renee and I did a sculpting ball dvd last week, but we didn’t have any sculpting balls, so we used hand weights.  We loved the video, but it was a copy and kind of skipped.  She was on a mission to find not only the video, but when I got to work, this was sitting on my chair!


This is basically what we’ll look like! :D  I asked her how much I owed her, but she said since I’ve brought her so much food over the years, it was on her!  Thanks Renee!

Lunch was my BSI garlic soup, in a multi grain roll as a bread bowl.  But when I pulled out the inside of the roll, I broke through the bottom and it leaked!  No problem, it still tasted good!  I had a fuji apple and my greek yogurt, peanut butter and agave nectar dip.



Later in the afternoon, Hannah brought me a skinny sugar free vanilla latte – thanks Hanners!


For dinner I decided to make bone-in parmesan chicken.  I hardly took any pictures!  I was home alone – Hannah was at work and Tony hadn’t gotten home from a meeting, and I had FoodTV on in the background, so I was a bit distracted!  But my plate is 5 ounces cooked shells, 1/2 cup sauce, 1 ounce mozzarella cheese and 4.5 ounces of chicken breast.  While you see a whole chicken breast with skin on my plate, I went back into the kitchen and peeled off the skin and diced up the chicken and mixed it with my pasta. 😀


Stats for the Day

  • 1569 calories
  • 44 fat
  • 179 carbs
  • 116 protein
  • 17 fiber
  • 35 minute The Firm Sculpting Ball DVD

Off to watch Find My Family – gotta grab a box of Kleenex!  Hope everyone had a great Monday – see you tomorrow!