I’ve decided to post my weigh-ins every Monday to give me motivation to not gain a ton of weight during the upcoming holiday season.  My goal is to be 155 by January 1.  I think that is completely possible!  Last week I weighed in at 166.  Today. . .


I love this scale! After you stand on it for a few seconds, it blinks to let you know its locked in the weight.  Then I can actually take a decent picture of the number!  So I am down –2.6 for the week.  😀

For breakfast this morning I had a honeycrisp apple that I nuked in the microwave.  I actually pushed the “fresh vegetable” setting and it was nice and tender.  I put 1 ounce of 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese on top and broiled the cheese, then sprinkled with 1/2 ounce of granola.  HOLY YUM!  Loved the sweet/salty combo of the apple and cheese, and I liked the added crunch of the granola!


Since i had a lot of chicken leftover from our chicken tostadas last night, I decided to make a chicken quesadilla.  My tortillas were low carb, only 50 calories each and a whopping 7 grams of fiber for each one!


I put 1 tablespoon of refried beans on each side, 3 ounces of chicken breast, 1 ounce of Cabot reduced fat cheese, then Pam fried it.  After it was cooked I added the lettuce and red pepper.  It was messy to eat but delicious!


Over the weekend I made low cal taco soup.  Wondering why it looks orange?  That’s because the peppers I put in the broth were too spicy, so I ended up adding 1/2 cup of fat free half and half to bring it down a notch.  So while it doesn’t look too appealing, it tasted good!


I have to show my snowman bowl I have at my desk.  It’s an all season bowl, and I always make sure the snowman in season is facing me – here is November . . . soon to be December!


I decided to try a pork chop recipe that called for a dijon mustard cream sauce.  It was kind of a flop.  While the flavor was there, the sauce never thickened properly and I overcooked the pork chops.  My rosemary new potatoes were delicious though!  it helps to start with fresh rosemary.


My plate:  I ate 1/2 of this pork chop – it was 6 ounces total.


And like most nights, I usually spill something either on me, the floor, or the counter!  I was staining straining the mustard sauce to a gravy boat, and didn’t even realize I had spilled while I was doing it!


After dinner I made pumpkin pancakes for my breakfast tomorrow!  Here’s a sneak peak – you’ll have to come back tomorrow for the recipe! 😀


Stats for the Day:

  • 1238 calories
  • 43 fat
  • 130 carbs
  • 100 protein
  • 31 fiber
  • 10 minute AM walk with the dog
  • 45 minute walk at lunch

Check out my friend Shelley!  She made it into Woman’s Day magazine for her weight loss blog!  You go girl!!

See you tomorrow! 😀