Hannah and I had a meeting at school last night regarding her German Exchange Program!  I am so excited for her!  We know our exchange student will be staying with us during spring break (for a total of 20 days I think) and they have so many activities planned, not sure how much time we’ll actually see her!  Hannah doesn’t got to Germany until after June 6, but no set date yet.

I want to apologize for the Yoplait link that didn’t work yesterday!  My brother Charlie (he’s back to blogging!) is hopefully going to help me get it up and running this weekend – stay tuned!

Breakfast yesterday may become one of my favorite omelets – a Taco Omelet!

Biz’s Taco Omelet for One

  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • 1 ounce leftover taco meat
  • 1 diced chile in adobe sauce
  • sliced peppers
  • 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese




My blood sugar was on the low side (80) before working out, so I had part of my lunch before working out – I had planned on having two egg rolls, since my soup is so low calorie, so my snack was one egg roll.


My workout was 35 minutes on the treadmill.  It’s a walk/job/sprint.  After my warm up, I walk for two minutes, jog for 2.5 minutes at 4.5 mph, then sprint for 3 seconds and repeat.  My highest sprint yesterday was 7.3 mph!  Then I did 5 minutes of abs with the balance ball. 

Lunch was the last of my Spicy Thai Noodle Soup, to which I added baby spinach, and the second egg roll.


I knew dinner had to be thrown together really quick, and what is quicker than spaghetti!  I try to have good canned tomatoes on hand to whip up a quick pasta sauce:


Biz’s Quick Pasta Sauce

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 heaping teaspoons minced garlic
  • 2.5 cups canned tomatoes (I puree mine!)
  • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
  • 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
  • 1 pound ground sirloin

Heat olive oil.  Add garlic until it starts to turn golden.  Add meat and brown.  Strain off any fat, add tomatoes and seasonings and simmer while pasta water is coming to a boil.



My plate: 1.5 cups baby spinach, 6 ounces cooked pasta, 1/2 cup pasta sauce (not pictured – garlic bread!).  I added crushed red pepper to mine, and had I just been making this for myself, would have added it in the above ingredients.  Delicious!



It’s All About the Numbers

Like it or not, my life is run by numbers.  From how many carbs I eat, how many units of insulin I need, how many calories I consume and how many calories I burn.  Numbers are everywhere in my daily life.  But the biggest number to me, like it or not, is the number on the scale.  I know its all about how you feel, how your clothes, fit, etc., but unfortunately, even though I can sprint at 7.0 mph on a treadmill, at 160 pounds I am considered obese on height and weight charts!

Why do I have to be so short!  I forgot to tell Tony, but when I was at the doctors office earlier this week, I found out I am only 5 feet 1 1/2 inches!  I lost 1/2 an inch somewhere!  Do you know what a healthy weight range is for my height?   106 to 118!  While I graduated high school at 116 pounds, I didn’t start my weight gain until after I stopped being a four season athlete.  Somehow I kept up with the eating and without all that exercise, before I decided to do something about it, I was 210 pounds!

So I was thrilled when William of www.eatsmartproducts.com asked me if I would review their bathroom scale!  The first thing I noticed taking it out of the box was how light and thin it was!  My old scale you had to tap it with your foot to turn it on, weight for the zero to pop up and then step on.  Not this one!  You just step on – it takes a couple seconds but then blinks when it has captured the weight.  But the best part is that number stays on for seconds after you step off – so now I don’t have to hold my camera while weighing in! :D  Check out this link at Amazon.com – this is a $35 scale people!

All you have to do is leave a comment for one entry, telling me how often you weigh yourself and why.  Another entry if you link back to this post.  Good Luck!

Alright, time to get ready for work already.  Today is Bosses Day and I had to get up early to make Apple Buttermilk Muffins with Oatmeal Strussel topping.  I’ll post the recipe tonight if they get good reviews!

Have a great Friday and good luck!