Busy day today!  I was so excited when Julie asked if I wanted to share Yoplait’s new Fiber One Yogurt! It’s the first yogurt to have 5 grams of fiber per serving!  It’s available in four flavors – Strawberry, Vanilla, Peach and Key Lime Pie and is now readily available in the yogurt section of grocery stores nation-wide.  But the best part is that the first 50 readers to click here will receive a free four pack and after that, will receive a coupon that will be directly mailed to you.  Sweet! 

Today is Weigh-In Wednesday – this challenge ends on October 17 – and so far I am going to donate 7 pounds of food to my local food pantry!  I still have a couple days to go, so maybe I’ll make it 8?  I still can’t “see” a difference, but someone I worked with today said “Biz is getting skinny!”  Well, I give all the credit to this certain pair of pants that make my legs looks skinny (but not my gut! :D)


Now if any of you have been following along, you’ll note that my old scale was white, so why do I have a new scale??  You’ll just have to come back on Friday, because one of my lucky readers will win this $35 scale!  I love it.  It’s super skinny, weighs up to 400 pounds (I think our old scale could only go up to 250) and once you stand on it, it blinks that its taken the measurement and stays lit for 10 seconds (for easy photographing!).  No more trying to take the picture with camera in hand!  So fricken close to the 150’s too!!


  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • handful spinach
  • chopped red pepper and jalapeno
  • 1/2 ounce cheese
  • 6 ounces of sliced oranges

While this seemed like a substantial breakfast, after I entered it into www.calorieking.com, my breakfast was just over 200 calories!  I saved the cheese for the top!



The perfect bite!


So by 11:00, my stomach was growling!  I had 1/4 cup of these:


I knew I had my crockpot pork bbq leftover and decided to make a North Carolina bbq sandwich.  Now everyone in North Carolina and Virginia has their own take on pork bbq.  While my quickie crockpot recipe isn’t true East North Carolina bbq sauce (typically made with vinegar and crushed red pepper) I decided to add the cole slaw to my sammie!  Just 3 ounces of cole slaw mix stirred with 1 tsp. Annie’s Goddess dressing. I had my sandwich on an Arnold thin and had sliced peppers, cucumbers and 1/2 Fuji apple – it took me forever to eat this!



Dinner was a simple Taco Fiesta – my plate:

  • 1 tostada
  • 1 corn tortilla
  • 2 ounces ground taco meat
  • 1/4 cup fat free black refried beans
  • sliced peppers and jalapenos
  • 1/2 ounce cheese ends
  • 1 ounce tortilla chips (not photographed – eaten at the table with more slices of jalapeno!)
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream


It’s basically heaven on a plate!  I could have Mexican food every single day of my life, and never get sick of it!!  Is there an ethnic food you could live on for the rest of your life?


Oh my gosh, I teared up so much at last nights show!  I was shouting at Dina to just JUMP – YOU CAN DO IT!  I thought for sure with Rudy cheering her on she could conquer that fear!

But of course, the star of the show is Tracy.  She just has the craziest facial expressions!  How she decided to split everyone up is beyond me – but the thing I can’t stand the most is that she is such a fricken fake when she “cries!”  I don’t see any tears Tracy!  The fact that they went with Coach Mo’s wishes to be sent home is commendable, and will lead to more drama now that Tracy is still on the ranch. 

But my favorite part was when Liz let Danny see the video of his family instead of her own!  Water works!! 

Alright – we have tons to watch on our DVR tonight – Hell’s Kitchen, Diners Drive-Ins and Dives AND Man v. Food!  It’s BizTV!  😀

Stats for the Day:

  • 1225 calories (+100 for licks while cooking! 😀 )
  • 54 fat
  • 117 carbs
  • 69 protien
  • 25.9 fiber 😀
  • 40 minute Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD

Don’t forget to grab your free Yoplait!  Let me know what you think when you try it!  See you tomorrow night!