Hannah had to work last night, so it was an at home date night for me and Tony!  We relaxed outside with some wine while the grill got going – but I have to start at the beginning!

Breakfast was my typical egg white sammie – 1.8 ounce multi-grain bread, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1.5 ounces 75% reduced fat Cabot cheese and two pieces of crisp bacon = heaven on a plate! πŸ˜€


So with our leftovers from Thursday nights Chinese food, I took my whole container, put it in a colander and rinsed off all the sauce.  I picked out most of the veggies, some of the meat and decided to add my own sauce – it turned out really good!  I had to run some errands at lunch and picked up these egg rolls – each one is only 140 calories and it was actually crisp out of the microwave!




So no party pizza Friday!  I had some chicken breasts I needed to use up, and Tony suggested I make a cheese sauce to go over them.  I didn’t have any milk, so I decided to use chicken broth and it was really good! 

Chicken Broth Cheese Sauce

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 4 ounces cheese (we used cheese ends so it was a mixture of all different cheeses!)
  • pinch of Italian seasoning
  • pinch of garlic powder
  • cracked pepper
  • 755 calories, 62 fat, 14 carbs, 0 fiber, 35 protein
  • no salt was necessary because of the salt in the broth and cheese


It was so flavorful, a little went a long way – I guestimated that I had about 115 calories worth on my dish.

And we also thought of adding bacon!  Have you ever grilled bacon before?  Me either – but we absolutely loved the smokiness the bacon got from the charcoal grill.


We also grilled up two more ears of this delicious corn!


All together:  1 ear of corn, 5.5 ounce chicken breast, 2 pieces of bacon and cheese sauce.  It was really good!


Not pictured was the popcorn I made last night πŸ˜€

Stats for Friday:

  • 1320 calories
  • 47.3 fat
  • 112.3 carbs
  • 114 protein
  • 9.1 fiber πŸ™
  • No exercise since I ran errands on my lunch

Not sure what’s in store for our day other than the usual chores – I have a blogger meet up tomorrow – can’t wait!  Off to fix breakfast, where I am sure cheese will be involved somehow!