I adapted a dressing recipe from EatingWell based on what I had on hand.  It is nothing short of spectacular!

Cucumber Herb Vinaigrette

  • 1 small cucumber, peeled and seeded (I used part of an English cucumber so I left the seeds in – mine was 6 ounces)
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro leaves
  • 1 tablespoon greek yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
  • 1 packet of Splenda
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • Each tablespoon is 28 calories, 3 fat, 1 carb, 0 protein and 0 fiber!
just throw everything into the blender
just throw everything into the blender
its so light and refreshing!
its so light and refreshing!

The original recipe called for chives and parsley, but I only had cilantro which worked really well.  I Pam fried a 6 ounce portion of chicken breast with spicy seasoning!

this Tuscan blend from McCormick is really spicy - love it!
this Tuscan blend from McCormick is really spicy - love it!
2 ounce baby romaine, 1 ounce broccoli slaw, .5 ounce goat cheese, 6 ounce chicken breast and 3 tablespoons of the dressing
2 ounce baby romaine, 1 ounce broccoli slaw, .5 ounce goat cheese, 6 ounce chicken breast and 3 tablespoons of the dressing

After I dressed it, I chopped it – love chopped salads!

Lunch comes in at 379 caloires, 19 fat, 42 protein, 11 carbs and 1.3 fiber
Lunch comes in at 379 caloires, 19 fat, 42 protein, 11 carbs and 1.3 fiber

The boys went to see an earlier movie so I had the house to myself for a couple hours – that hardly ever happens!  Now I am off for my pedicure then to our ethnic store to pick up a few additional things to round out our menu.  Here are some of the things I am making this week:

Lunches for Me

  • taco soup
  • thai red curry-coconut soup with shrimp
  • leftover beef with chimichurri sauce
  • spagettti squash with tofurkey Italian sausage
  • chile rellenos bake

Dinners for Us

  • Beef Roast on the grill with balsamic green beans with mushrooms
  • Grilled fish fillets with broccoli gratin
  • Beer can chicken with Yucca chips and salad
  • Scallops in Saffron sauce with zucchini pasta
  • Dinner at Ruth’s Chris one night for a date night! 😀

See you for dinner!