Okay, even after my 735 calorie lunch, I thought it would be a good idea to have ribs for dinner!   We perfected our Chicago ribs,  We ended up putting a dry rub on the ribs and baking them, foil wrapped, for 4 hours at 250 degrees.

the dry rub put in a glass jar - all the layers were then shaken together
the dry rub put in a glass jar - all the layers were then shaken together

We used both spare ribs and country style ribs:


While Tony and I were out today, we stopped at Menard’s and found a Baggo game for $18!  Score!

Hannah dominated our games together, but Tony gave her a run for her money!
Hannah dominated our games together, but Tony gave her a run for her money!

To finish off the ribs, we just sauced them up –

I used natural coals, which burn hot and fast
I used natural coals, which burn hot and fast
How many people are in my family again??
How many people are in my family again??

I tried out my wine glass while grilling!

love it!
love it!

And a birdie told me make potato skins for dinner:

heaven. . .
heaven. . .
. . . on a. . .
. . . on a. . .
. . . plate! :D
. . . plate! 😀

Stats for the Day:

  • 1610 calories
  • 101 fat
  • 62 protein
  • 104 carbs
  • 3.5 fiber (so sad!)
  • 20 minute walk with Ed

57% of my calories were from fat today!  Oh well, Tony and I have decided to go to the Beach – South Beach Diet that is!  Being diabetic I definitely should be eating less carbs, because less carbs = less insulin.  I got a bunch of books from the library today, so this next week of eats (starting Monday!) should be interesting!

Hope everyone had a great Saturday – see you at breakfast! 😀