It was already 86 degrees when I got in my car this morning!!  I think I am going to suggest to my friend that we workout indoors today!

I picked up some egg whites yesterday so I can make my customary egg white sammie!   When I was cleaning out the fridge last night, I was bummed to discover that 1/2 of the giant box of baby spinach Tony bought for me had gone bad – I saved what I could to make a spinach lasagna for lunch today, so my egg sammie is a bit boring today!

  • Thomas light english muffin
  • 1/2 cup egg white
  • .8 ounce sharp cheddar
  • 1 slice of bacon
  • fruit salad on the side
nice and cheezy!
nice and cheezy!

I bought this at the cafe next to my office – $2.75, which I don’t think is too bad:

and I love the variety of fruits!  strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple and apples!
and I love the variety of fruits! strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple and apples!

Breakfast comes in at 400 calories, 12.1 fat, 27 protein, 50 carbs and 9.5 fiber! 😀

I caught up on Food Network Star last night too – I think Jeffrey is my pick so far – the girl that is the R.D. is kind of annoying! 😀  Are you watching it?

Morning break is over – come back for lunch – spinach quinoa zucchini lasagna baked with cottage cheese!