garage sale loot!  3 pairs of lounge pants, 2 boxes tastefully simple dips, Endust, pledge wipes, a new leash for Ed, snowman frame, dvds
garage sale loot! 3 pairs of lounge pants, 2 boxes tastefully simple dips, Endust, pledge wipes, a new leash for Ed, snowman frame, dvds
a snowman box - I got it for $1
a snowman box - I got it for $1
the butcher shop we went to didn't have bulk packages - next door was a bakery - I bought 1/4 pound of the sugar free chocolate chip cookies - THEY TASTED LIKE A$$!
the butcher shop we went to didn't have bulk packages - next door was a bakery - I bought 1/4 pound of the sugar free chocolate chip cookies - THEY TASTED LIKE A$$!
sipped on this while waiting for sushi at lunch
sipped on this while waiting for sushi at lunch
I ordered the chicken teriyaki box
I ordered the chicken teriyaki box
we split an appetizer of these - pork wasabi dumplings - spicy!
we split an appetizer of these - pork wasabi dumplings - spicy!
I had miso soup
I had miso soup
tempura vegetables, fried rice, california roll, teriyaki chicken and edammame - I ate everything but only about 1/4 of the rice
tempura vegetables, fried rice, california roll, teriyaki chicken and edammame - I ate everything but only about 1/4 of the rice
Tony is more adventurous!  Shrimp head!  I don't like the beady eyes!
Tony is more adventurous! Shrimp head! I don't like the beady eyes!
Tony told me after I ate these rolls that the orange stuff was roe!  I thought it was carrot!  I didn't mind though - didn't have much flavor to me
Tony told me after I ate these rolls that the orange stuff was roe! I thought it was carrot! I didn't mind though - didn't have much flavor to me
I got this at the butcher shop - looks like chili making is in my near future!
I got this at the butcher shop - looks like chili making is in my near future!
And next to the sushi place is a Trader Joe's - stocked up on Fage and picked this up - it sounds really good!
And next to the sushi place is a Trader Joe's - stocked up on Fage and picked this up - it sounds really good!

Off to pick up a few things at the grocery store.Ā  Come on back for Thai Marinated Chicken Wings!