My father-in-law is from Florence, Italy.  Tony and I have recently been looking at Florence recipes – tonights is pasta with meat sauce!

Sugo in Florence is mostly a beef and very little tomato sauce.  For a more authentic version, use red wine in place of the tomato sauce.

Sugo di Carne

  • 1/2 pound ground sirloin
  • 12 ounces can Italian plum tomatoes (I used my sauce from last night)
  • 1 onion (NOPE!)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

Finely chop the carrot and celery.  If you added the onion this combination in Florence is called soffritto, and is used as a base for sauces and soups.

Place in a pot and saute in extra virgin olive oil until it starts to almost burn.  This sweets the carrots and gives the sauce a really special flavor – take your time and do this step slow.

Add the ground sirloin, raise the heat and stir until browned.  Splash with wine and let the wine evaporate. 

Add the tomatoes – salt to taste, lower the heat and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occassionally (if you used canned tomatoes, cook for 45 minutes).  If the sauce seems too dry, add some pasta water to the pot to get the desired consistency.

Tony bought pappardelle noodles which will hold onto the sauce very nicely.   Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese on the side.

I really liked these thick noodles!
I really liked these thick noodles!

With the Artisan Bread  dough Hannah made yesterday, I was able to pop in some cheese bread in the oven while the sauce cooked.  I swear if there is a better smell than fresh out of the oven bread, I don’t know what it is!

I left it on the counter all day - look at those bubbles!
I left it on the counter all day - look at those bubbles!
I cut slits in the top to hold the cheese
I cut slits in the top to hold the cheese
handful of cheddar cheese - baked at 425 for 25 minutes
handful of cheddar cheese - baked at 425 for 25 minutes
I had a 1.5 ounce slice with my dinner, but seriously, I could eat the whole thing!
I had a 1.5 ounce slice with my dinner, but seriously, I could eat the whole thing!
after I sauteed the carrots and celery, I added the ground sirloin - its so lean you don't need to drain
after I sauteed the carrots and celery, I added the ground sirloin - its so lean you don't need to drain
it simmered while the water came to a boil for the pasta and the bread baked
it simmered while the water came to a boil for the pasta and the bread baked

I of course added baby spinach to my pasta – Sam’s Club has the best deal, $3.49 for a one pound box!!

I still think I am going to use baby spinach as a "green" for this weeks BSI!
I still think I am going to use baby spinach as a "green" for this weeks BSI!
My plate - 1.5 ounce bread, 4 ounces cooked pasta, baby spinach, and meat sauce
My plate - 1.5 ounce bread, 4 ounces cooked pasta, baby spinach, and meat sauce

All together dinner comes in at 464 calories, 7.8 fat, 18,7 protein, 88 carbs (a lot!) and 11.1 fiber.

Stats for the Day:

  • 1348 calories
  • 44 fat
  • 66 protein
  • 187 carbs (48% of my calories came from carbs today!)
  • 33.3 grams of fiber – WOW!
  • 40 minute walk at lunch

Off to finish cleaning the kitchen and snuggle with Tony – the Japanese game show comes on tonight and its a new Top Chef Masters tonight too!

See you tomorrow!