Yep, today is weigh in day since its the first of the month.  Is it just me or can you believe we are already at May 1st already??!!

That’s right, I lost a whopping 1.2 the month of April!   I know I have commented on some of your blogs about this, but I recently looked back to my WW journals from 1999-2000.   On April 1, 1999 I weighed in at 210 pounds.  On May 1, 2010 I weighed in at 132.  I lost 68 pound in 11 months.  When I looked at my journals, one thing stood out immediately – I never drank alcohol.  The second thing I noticed was that I was working out on average about 90 minutes a day.

I would ride my bike to the train station (1.5 miles one way), I would walk to my office from the train station (1.0 one way), I walked for 45 minutes during lunch, and then after Hannah went to bed I usually did a 30 minute DVD.  This past week I kicked up my exercise a notch, but I really need to go the extra step.

I remember when Shelley was at a plateau for what seemed like months!  But she started working with a trainer doing things she wouldn’t do on her own – like burpees – which she and I still hate! 😀

So two things I vow for the month of May – drink less and move more!  😀

Yesterday for breakfast I realized we had leftover steak, so I made two steak breakfast burritos: 2 low carb tortillas, 3 ounce stead, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, baby spinach and egg beaters – with a delicious orange on the side!

531 calories, 45 carbs, 36 protein, 23 fat and 18.7 fiber!

Lunch was leftover Chinese from last night with one of my egg rolls – the veggies kind of tasted like ass because they became too soggy from sitting in the to go container.  I ate about half of this, but the whole egg roll!  Lunch comes in at 447 calories, 65 carbs, 25 protein, 8.9 at and 2.3 fiber.

I had some whole wheat pizza dough in my fridge, so putting together a pizza for dinner was a snap!  My pizza: 4 ounce whole wheat dough, 1/2 ounce diced pepperoni, 1/4 cup diced red pepper, chopped baby spinach, 1 ounce of goat cheese mozzarella and 1/2 ounce of Cabot’s hot habanero cheese! 😀

I love the flavor of this cheese!

And 12 minutes later:

Whole pizza: 446 calories, 53 carbs, 21 protein, 16 fat and 3.6 fiber

Stats for Friday:

  • 20 minutes AM Pilates
  • 45 minute walk at work
  • 1,424 calories, 163 carbs, 82 protein, 48 fat and 25 fiber

Goals for May

  • drink less alcohol
  • move more
  • be 159 or less by June 1

What are your May goals?

Tony and I are headed out to the store – come back tomorrow for my artichoke pasta recipe!  In my head it turns out great, but we’ll see!  Have a great Saturday!