Well, this technically can’t be a throw down, because one pizza is thin (mine!) and one is  a deep dish (Tony’s).  I made the Artisan in 5 minutes dough this morning before work, so my dough was ready by the time I got home from work.  I actually thought Tony would use some of the dough since it makes so much, but alas, he made his own – and it was herbed!
it rested in our cast iron skillet with some olive oil
it rested in our cast iron skillet with some olive oil

It makes my dough look naked:

still thinking of making a quinoa bread with the rest of the dough this weekend!
still thinking of making a quinoa bread with the rest of the dough this weekend!

My ingredients:

diced tri-colored peppers (thanks $1 rack!) and 1 ounce of Italian sausage
diced tri-colored peppers (thanks $1 rack!) and 1 ounce of Italian sausage

Tony prebaked his dough for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.  Removed it, punched down the middle and then added his ingredients:

the sauce from last nights proscuitto pasta Tony made last night
the sauce from last nights proscuitto pasta Tony made last night
next a layer of cheese and 1/2 buttered sauteed mushrooms
next a layer of cheese and 1/2 buttered sauteed mushrooms
last layer - sliced green olives!
next layer - sliced green olives!
last, but not least, italian sausage, grated parm and garlic salt
last, but not least, italian sausage, grated parm and garlic salt
baked another 25 minutes - the outer crust was amazing - flakey and so flavorful!
baked another 25 minutes - the outer crust was amazing - flakey and so flavorful!
cheezy goodness!
cheezy goodness!

This was SO CLOSE to perfection, but we both felt that the middle needed to be thinner to cook more – but the outside crust with the olive oil against the hot cast iron skillet is hard to beat!

I ate half of my pizza: altogether my pizza is 8 ounces of dough, 1/3 cup sauce, 1/4 cup diced peppers, 1 ounce Italian sausage and 3 ounces of part-skim mozzarella cheese
I ate half of my pizza: altogether my pizza is 8 ounces of dough, 1/3 cup sauce, 1/4 cup diced peppers, 1 ounce Italian sausage and 3 ounces of part-skim mozzarella cheese
I prebake my dough to ensure a crispy crust, and this did not disappoint!
I prebake my dough to ensure a crispy crust, and this did not disappoint!

So there you have it his (deep dish) and hers (crispy thin crust) pizza.  Which camp are you in??

I actually have to get ready for my softball game tonight – it starts in 45 minutes!  Hope everyone had a great Friday and I’ll see you tomorrow.  Um, pretty sure a trip to Mama Rini’s for breakfast is in order! 😀