Update:  I updated the 101 Challenge Page – go check it out! 😀

We had such a nice time last night!  Although we almost missed the ceremony!  We had printed directions as well as the GPS, and both failed us miserably!  We got there about 10 minutes late, but saw most of the ceremony.

While it was at the Groom’s church, the pastor that married the brides grandparents and parents came out of retirement to help officiate.  He joked and said that since he was 72, if they wanted him to marry their child’s wedding, they better get busy right away!

We stopped for lunch, this place was right in front of our hotel:

Somehow I always feel like I am on “vacation” even if only an hour from our house, hence the decision to get a big ass beer!

And sliders, which were really good!

The country club was nice too – I loved the table settings:

I had a pinot grigio and some apps – the beef wellingtons had mushrooms on the inside and the pizza was cold – its really hard to keep appetizers hot in a big room!

We had a potato soup, but it had a weird taste to it – I think it was cinnamon?

Then salad:

But the best was the dinner – best wedding dinner I’ve ever had – stuffed bone in chicken breast with green beans and a side of some sort of potato.  The chicken was seasoned perfectly, it was hot, and so moist!

There were so many people at this wedding – I think around 250?  I don’t even think I know 250 people!

I got a picture of the bride dancing with her Dad.  Mike is Tony’s oldest friend – I think they met freshman year in high school, and Tony was their best man when they got married.

The hotel bed was so comfortable, we slept in until 10:15!  We hit up McDonald’s on the way home – I ordered the hamburger happy meal with apples.  Don’t get this – it was the worst hamburger ever, I don’t know what I was thinking!

plus I forgot to say no onions - I scraped off about 2 tablespoons of diced onions! 🙁

Thanks to everyone who emailed me their week 3 status of 101 Days of Summer – I’ll be updating the 101 page later on this afternoon.

Tony still doesn’t know what he wants for his papa day!

Did you have a big or small wedding, and if you aren’t married yet, which one would you prefer?

I loved our wedding – Hannah was my maid of honor, my step-son Joe was the best man, my mom and Tony’s parents – that was it!  Although my twin sister still gives me shit that she wasn’t there!

I miss my Dad on holiday’s like this – if your papa is still around, give him an extra hug for me!  Happy Father’s Day Tony!