My softball team!  We actually won 6-2!  So we’ve won two, tied once, and had two losses – but one of those losses was a forfeit because we didn’t have enough people – I’ll take it!  So far this is the winningest (is that a word?) season we have had!

But now on to the winner of my June 1 giveaway!

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 2

brandi, on June 1st, 2009 at 4:02 pm Said: Edit Comment

ooh, I’ve been wanting to try one of Jillian’s DVDs! First, great job on the workouts! that’s awesome

My motivation lately: feeling better, stress relief, and fitting in my favorite pair of jeans.

Brandi is the winner!!   Send me an email at with your home address and the dvd is on its way!  Congrats!

I ended up running around a lot at my game, so I am going to call it 30 minutes of exercise today.  Hannah got off work a bit earlier than usual, so she was able to make the game and play the last inning.  We picked up pizza on the way home – quick and easy!

I ended up eating 4 squares - not as good as mine, but still good!
I ended up eating 4 squares - not as good as mine, but still good!

Alright, I need to get comfy clothes on – see you tomorrow!