I was so worried about my cooking timeline, with the lamb in the oven, the ham on the gas grill, that it wasn’t until I started to plate my food that I realized I hardly took any pictures!!  But here are a few that I did take!

What's Easter without deviled eggs?
What's Easter without deviled eggs?
The ham turned out really good!  I'll never buy a spiral cut ham again . . .this stayed really moist!
The ham turned out really good! I'll never buy a spiral cut ham again . . .this stayed really moist!
My SIL brought this - so good!  It had lots of spices on it and balsamic dressing - diabetic friendly too!
My SIL brought this - so good! It had lots of spices on it and balsamic dressing - diabetic friendly too!
I added 1 tablespoon of this for my butter pecan carrots - yum!
I added 1 tablespoon of this for my butter pecan carrots - yum!
I made the bread the day before - 2 loaves of black and white sesame seeds and two loaves of cheddar bread
I made the bread the day before - 2 loaves of black and white sesame seeds and two loaves of cheddar bread
My plate!
My plate!

I was so tired this morning though!   I did half of the cleaning after dinner and ran a load through the dishwasher.  Hannah went to bed and as I was getting ready to go to bed, I forgot that I had the OTHER half of the cleaning to do!  So at 11:30 at night, I spent another half hour emptying the dishwasher and finishing up the cleaning. 

But can I say I wish every weekend was a 3-day weekend?!  Hope everyone had a good Easter – morning break is over, I’ll post breakfast with lunch today.

Back to the grind! 😀