I was so worried about my cooking timeline, with the lamb in the oven, the ham on the gas grill, that it wasn’t until I started to plate my food that I realized I hardly took any pictures!! But here are a few that I did take!

I was so tired this morning though! I did half of the cleaning after dinner and ran a load through the dishwasher. Hannah went to bed and as I was getting ready to go to bed, I forgot that I had the OTHER half of the cleaning to do! So at 11:30 at night, I spent another half hour emptying the dishwasher and finishing up the cleaning.
But can I say I wish every weekend was a 3-day weekend?! Hope everyone had a good Easter – morning break is over, I’ll post breakfast with lunch today.
Back to the grind! 😀
Love deviled eggs!
I’m tired today too! I wish today was another day off!!
Your dinner turned out great!!! Did you try the lamb??
My brother in law made some but I was too scared to try it!!
Claire helped me make deviled eggs, except she called them debbled eggs!! So cute!
i wish every weekend was 3 days, too 🙂
mm….deviled eggs.
Delicious easter! =D
Your SIL’s dish and your bread – YUM! They look fantastic!!
everything look delicious!!! Did u make those breads???? woooo…… I was just about to ask which bran is it? 😀
have a great day!
Yep, homemade! I made the dough one day, and it stays fresh in the refrigerator up to two weeks.
Happy Easter to you too! The meal looks wonderful!
the photos look nom! and glad that you had a nice Easter weekend, although i’m sure that clean up wasn’t very fun :). have a great Monday!